Surfin' in the USA

Gerrark 199


Sure, Quetzal probably isn't in college anymore (and might not have ever went in the first place), but what self-respecting Anarch doesn't celebrate a week long holiday centered around rebellion, destruction, and debauchery? Quetzal's got plans, big plans, and she's expecting herself to have the best Spring Break ever. Time to head to the beach.

First things first: there isn't going to be a lot of that rebellion and stuff if she can't get her luggage ready. Thankfully, Quetzal is a speedpacker, and has plenty of incredible techniques that help her get ready for her trip in a hurry. And if she does forget, or god forbid, lose something, she's usually pretty good at tracking her stuff down. Don't forget your backpack girl!

Of course, she can't just focus on getting her stuff packed, she needs some cash to make the trip (it's a long way to the beach). How does she do it, you ask? Well, if she needs to build up some stores of cash beforehand, she leverages her massive popularity and complete lack of empathy for those richer than her, of course. And if she needs some cash in a hurry to make it to some awesome party that sprung up in no time flat? She doesn't need to fret, because Quetzal makes her own luck.

Once Quetzal is sitting on enough cash to make this Spring Break The One Remember (and keep any narcs off of her back), it's time for that rebellion. She's gonna go anywhere and everywhere, and no one is gonna tell her not to. How does she do this? A few different ways. At first, she'll just run around naked, letting her natural talents and fat stacks of cash do her work for her. For those who like to keep people out with big walls, she'll wear a power glove (and even if she's against someone who doesn't, she'll want this ASAP). For those who want to have without her, she can make sure the party isn't over before she gets there. And for all of them, she has her friends to watch her back. And that's just to start! It won't take long before her main man hits the scene, and when he does, good luck keeping her from crashing your party.

So onto debauchery. Lots of corps love to build up these beautiful structures, and make sure all their ducks in a row. Well screw that. She was planning on using her art supplies to get some landscapes done in her spare time, but these people crossed the line. Like they can stop her from finding all their cool stuff. And while we're at it, if she's gonna be adding some color to anything that gets in her way, why not ride that wave all the way into their building?

Lastly, destruction. Once they see that Quetzal goes where she wants and does what she pleases, corps get desperate to stop her good time. So remember: always pack a swimsuit, it can get a bit too hot out there, even for shorts and a t-shirt. Remember that no matter how bad it is, you can handle it. Not that she'll need to, if you make sure to keep them high and dry. If they're trying to make things so exhausting for her that even surfing is taxing? Don't forget, Quetzal carries a knife, and she's got no problem making plenty of uses of it. Finally, some people like to think that they'll make you run out of steam before they do. As if.

So there is is, Quetzal's recipe for the Best Spring Break Ever. So go out there, show those authority figures who's boss, and most of all, have fun! Surf's up!

P.S. When Quetzal finally gets a chance to properly debut herself at all these upscale parties, she's gonna really go wild.

12 Mar 2016 PureFlight

I appreciate this write-up.

Hey, NRDB! Motion to refer to Surfer-centric decks as Spring Break builds. All in favor?

12 Mar 2016 Tempus

Nice. Looks like an improved version of a surfer destruction deck I had planned. How is it doing overall? Do you struggle to find paintbrush without any tutor? Strategies for the deck or just roll with it? :P really curious as this is my favorite runner and I haven't been able to run her properly :)

12 Mar 2016 Gerrark

@PureFlight I love this idea, and am all for it myself.

@Tempus It actually goes pretty well! I'm not sure I'd call it a Tier-1 deck or anything, but in local matches and on Jinteki it's got somewhere around an 80% win rate. What usually leads to failures is the corp getting great starters and you not (but who doesn't have trouble dealing with that?) and getting impatient.

The deck used to use SMC, and with so many one-off programs, I think it has a good place. Problem is just influence of course. You can trade it off for the Levy AR, and that version of this deck does still work, and well. You just have to be INCREDIBLY careful, when I played with that version of this deck many games ended with me having zero cards in hand and stack. I still won a lot of course, it's just dangerous.

As for how to play it, for the first few turns, gather up money, gather up cards, start on your rig. Against Weyland, Jinteki, and ESPECIALLY Haas, let them do what they want at first. Hit anything that's wide open (especially if you're swimming in creds and able to trash their important assets (which you should be, it's very easy to do with this deck)), but otherwise get your rig up. The best part about this deck is literally every part of your rig makes you significantly more dangerous. Otherwise, draw, get cash, get your rig set up, and even if they're at four points by the time you're ready, you're sitting pretty. Fast advance can suck, but at least they often have huge trouble keeping you out. If you have a hand that starts with clot, medium, or nerve, you'll probably want to keep it unless it's absolutely worthless otherwise, and start chewing holes in them.