Whizzard Fear the Masses/Medium Dig

Radiea 20

Build up towards one big turn fairly quickly with Bagbiter + Duggars. Queen's Gambit, Armitage, Liberated Account, Fall Guys in a pinch let you econ back up quickly after installing Bagbiter.

On the big turn, use DDoS and False Echo to invalidate two ice on each server, and choose whether to medium dig or Fear the Masses, depending on which one is more heavily defended/other game considerations. DDoS + False Echo lets you run economically. Faust is your general breaker otherwise, since you have your deck in hand (also lets you get into servers if you really need to beforehand while you're drawing up).

Yog for central Turings, Corroder for Wraparound.

Trying to slot in 3x I've Had Worse and/or Inject for better consistency (getting bagbiter/duggars out fast), but can't find space (-1 plascrete -2 ???). Spoilers might help vs FA. Making an Entrance is interesting but I lack deckslots atm...

Issues with all sorts of FA, especially the non-NBN types. VS NBN Medium dig does some work, but the other FA types (HB in particular) are really hard.

31 Jul 2016 sheshone

Very fun to play! Thanks for kindly sharing with me this very interesting engine on Jinteki.net. I tried it against 2 corps so far. Got 50/50 win/loss ratio over 7 or 8 games. Particularly good when the corp doesn't expect the Fear the Masses. But the big downside is the cost of breaking strong ices . I got locked out of the final blow a few times because of that. Hence I added 1 e3 Feedback Implants and 3 D4v1d. It works better in my local meta :). Overall I really like the concept of having your all deck in hand around turn 7 and then playing kamikaze. I haven't encounter a Komainu, a Swordsman, or been tagged yet (and Theophilius Bagbiter been trashed as a result), but I'm scared of that day...

1 Aug 2016 Radiea

@sheshone Yeah, if they're able to get two inner pieces of taxing ice on both HQ and R&D, you're pretty screwed. :P How exactly were you locked out?

If you ever see Swordsman in your meta, drop something for Mimic. I'm just hoping that it's rare enough that a server has more than 4 ice AND has a swordsman before an ETR.

Getting Bagbiter trashed hurts, but is recoverable from. If it's 'early' enough, put down economy (and discard non-key pieces) and Deja Vu bagbiter back up. If it's a single tag or so hopefully Fall Guy can help keep Bagbiter alive. I'm considering New Angeles City Hall for Breaking News protection, as well (for All Seeing I protection and such).

1 Aug 2016 sheshone

@Radiea I ended up with an Orion and a Wormhole back to back. Way too costly with Faust only to do the 5 Fear the Masses run was ready to fire.

FYI: I finally took it out on Jinteki.net yesterday and managed to survive a Komainu, running Fear the Masses 3 times total which was enough to score the win. It's feasible with e3 Feedback Implants but it still cost me A LOT of money. Good thing I added a Kati Jones and maxed it up before the last run. Still, whatever the circumstances it's a lot of fun to play. Corps usually don't understand what's happening until it's too late :)

5 Sep 2016 Radiea

To Hamish: The newest iteration has:

-1 Turntable

-1 Plascrete

-1 Councilman

-1 Corroder

-1 False Echo

-1 Yog.0

+1 Rumor Mill

+1 Grimoire

+1 Force of Nature

+1 Paperclip

+1 Fall Guy

+1 New Angeles City Hall

6 Sep 2016 sheshone

Hey @Radiea

I'm still playing this deck once in a while and found an interesting card to counter fast advance decks. I've added 1 Traffic Jam which basically prevents the FA once 1 or 2 (different) agendas have been scored. I've been lucky enough in different occasions that this card saved the game with the corp unable to score its last 3/2s out of hand.

On a side note, I've also learned to play the deck! Having only seen you play it once on jin.net and reading the description, there were lots of cards I add to learn. Like Trope for the Levy AR Lab Access effect, avoiding playing the Theophilius Bagbiter against NBN, using Dagger even without Theophilius Bagbiter just to get my rig and breakers out (Trope is here to get the Fear the Masses + Amped Up back later).

I still need to play it against more decks and people but it really helped me to learn to play different styles with one single deck.

Thanks again for sharing! I don't see playing runner the same way now.

6 Sep 2016 sheshone

@Radiea I finally got around to publish my deck (the first one actually). It's here if you want to take a look and provide feedback: netrunnerdb.com

7 Sep 2016 Radiea

@sheshone :D You're welcome!

I saw the deck! Traffic Jam is interesting, but I'm not sure if e3 is really needed given the cost to break ice against popular archetypes nowadays.

(I also forgot to put -3 Sure Gamble +3 I've Had Worse on the update comment above...)