Silly SYNC, that's net damage (C2RB)

Cpt_nice 1933

A super janky new variant of the 24/7 SYNC kill deck everyone loves (to hate).

How does it work? The combo centers around Reeducation, which lets you replenish your hand with fresh cards while sending the same number of cards from the opponent's grip to the bottom of their stack.

For the kill you need a hand of 5 cards, 24/7 and Neural EMP in hand and Reeducation + 1 other agenda scored:

  • Mandatory draw

  • Click 1: Draw a card

  • Click 2: Play 24/7. Forfeit whatever and resolve Reeducation. Shuffle back 5 cards, keep the Neural.

  • Click 3: Flatline the runner, who now has 0 cards in hand. Laugh together as you just pulled of this jank. Bonus points if they scored the agenda you forfeited for you (hi Quantum Kitty!).

It is essentially a worse version of 24/7 Breaking News Boom, as you need to score a 5/3 first. Plus side is the runner has no real hard counters against this, except Net Shield.

Does your opponents happen to have a hand of 6 or 7? You can get around this via Anonymous tip as your first click, then combo as usual.

Because Aaron will supposedly be gone due to the new banlist, as well as Plascrete rotating, it would be simply silly to not play standard kill cards as well. If your opponent is low on money, HHN followed up with a BOOM next turn is also a viable win con. Cause let's face it, you are not scoring out in this deck.

Notable possible includes are Exchange of Information and Psychographics. Deck space is tight, as usual.

Happy hunting!

27 Sep 2017 Sutlomatsch

You don't need a second agenda, you can forfeit Reeducation itself. Still it's hard to get out a 5/3 :/

27 Sep 2017 Krams

@Sutlomatsch That's not how 24/7 works. First, you forfeit an agenda as additional cost. Then, you get the effect, resolving a "when scored" ability of an agenda in your score area. The forfeited agenda isn't in your score area anymore at that point.

27 Sep 2017 Sutlomatsch

@Krams Okay, seems I was wrong there :/ I withdraw my comment.

27 Sep 2017 Cpt_nice

Krams is indeed correct

27 Sep 2017 EricF

Net Shield rotated, but any paid ability speed draw or Feedback Filter can disrupt this.

27 Sep 2017 Cpt_nice

@EricF Really? For some reason I assumed it was in Core 2. Yeah Sportshopper for example outs this combo, just like 24/7 Breaking news, but with BN gone who will play that card? FF I have only ever seen in Cache Refresh.

28 Sep 2017 aero

Most Geist decks (seem to look super competitive post rotation/ban) are probably including 3x Hopper.