Gabe's Vigil

jmbostwick 93

This deck is designed to be a hard-hitting HQ-focused deck, with a bit of a twist. Utilizing Vigil and Woman in the Red Dress, the Runner can be certain of hitting Agendas wherever they are hiding.

At the start of your turn, one of a few things will be true: 1) The Corp has their maximum number of cards in their hand. If this is the case, you should begin by triggering Vigil to draw a card (which will help speed you up). Then you can trigger Woman in the Red Dress (see below). 2) The Corp has one less than the maximum number of cards in their hand. If this is the case, you should begin by triggering Woman in the Red Dress; if the Corp draws, now you can trigger Vigil to draw as well. If they don't, you either run on the Agenda/trashable asset they left on top, or you spend the turn building up and hitting HQ instead. 3) The Corp has several less than the maximum number of cards in their hand. If this is the case, you're unable to trigger Vigil, but in return you're able to dig easily through the Corp's entire hand (and you'll have a high chance of getting any agendas they draw via WitRD).

Woman in the Red Dress is such a beautiful addition to an HQ-focused deck, because it forces the Corp into a troubling decision if they reveal an agenda or important asset on the top: do they draw it into HQ, where you're already set up to attack (and where you get cheap runs via your identity), or do they leave it there and hope you can't get in and get it? Worst-case for you is that they draw a card you can't attack, but even that helps you decide how to plan your turn.

The rest of this deck is very typical: high-powered economy, ways to get into scoring servers when the Corp doesn't think you can, and ways to leverage your economic power into agenda points. Let me know your thoughts!