Big Money, Big Deal (3rd at Italian National 2022 4-1)

cros 273

This is the deck I brought to my first Italian national tournament (and first tournament in general) and took me to 3rd place out of 24 with 2-1 in the swiss and 2-0 in the cut.

The idea of the deck is to jam any asset in a new remote using Asa to place an ICE there, then when something get trashed or the campaigns end, recycle the same remotes for further installations, most of the runner are quite afraid to check assets behind ICE in early game and most of the time they don't want to spend all their money trashing them. When there are 5-6 remotes put all the money from the campaigns of the turn on NASX and Fully Op for additional 10-12 counters, then click for 20-24 credits or even more thanks to the campaigns. With that amount of money is now easy to threat rezzing anything and also scoring with Big Deal. The scoring plan changes a lot based on how much pressure the runner can put, sometimes a GFI and two 3/2 are enough, sometimes more agendas are needed but this is fine because the deck can handle that. Trieste is a really fun card and in this deck it is just providing time when you are trying to sneak a 3/2 behind a mean bioroid and a Border Control.

Huge thanks to the Italian community for the amazing time we had in these 2 days. I also want to say a big thank you to all my opponents who were always really nice to me, even when I started my last turn with empty hand (thanks for that Khumalo!) in a crazy game I was losing 6 to 5 and there were only 30 seconds before time was called, I drew Big Deal as mandatory, drew Vitruvius as first click, installed and scored it right away for the win

7 Nov 2022 mr_pelle

Huge huge huge congrats! I knew it!! ;)

7 Nov 2022 koga

Big Deal gang 😎

5 Jul 2024 andreeone23

Big deal, great! Slitherio