., `: , `'; v2.1 (19th UK Nats)

Hello 179

This is an updated version of the deck.. : ..took to worlds in Barcelona. Due.. ` `' ..catching covid there,.. : ..wasn't able to do a writeup for.. `'.. `; ..deck afterwards. I'd like to thank all.. `'.. `; ..opponents there for a wonderful time and some great games.. `' '; ..Netrunner.

:..`. : `': ,..., `'. ., : `..

I built this deck to.. ` ', `; ..and capture the feel of the Apex decks I had been playing in the.. `; , ., '. ..prior to The Automata Initiative: applying pressure, disrupting.. ': `' '. `: ..plans, and not relying on credits. This.. : ; ..undeniably a better deck than those were, with Endless Hunger, Prey, and Apocalypse replaced by a suite of much more.. , '; '; : ': : , '.. ` ..Anarch cards, most notably Audrey v2.

After worlds, this deck.. , `': `' `. `': , ', ..in much the same way as my Apex decks did, becoming more streamlined and including.. `'.. `' '. , ..draw power. I also learned from the mulch deck, with The Price, Cookbook, and Simulchip being.. `'. '. , ., ` ..includes. This deck doesn't aim.. '; `' '. ..mulch's endgame though, having no Labor Rights. The Simulchip is instead for pulling.. ` '. : ': ':, ; ..with Audrey, Botulus, and Chisel to help get in, and recycling a Fermenter only if.. ': '. , ', : ` ; ..are desperately needed. A slightly faster version might cut this for a third Diesel though.

I enjoyed every game I played with this at nationals (even.. ` '.. , ..one where I got killed very quickly.. `' '.. ..stream), and faced lovely opponents.. ` `.. '. `' :, `'. `.. `' :, ` ..the day. The ice trash package was always reliable, able to delete an Outfit remote, and.. ':, : `. `. ..a Mestnichestvo before it could drain credits. The breakers were constantly able to let.. `'.. , ..pressure centrals while having the resources to check the remote when needed. Leech deserves a.. ': ., `. `. `' :, ` ..as being the best battery for Freedom, letting you capitalise on pressure while.. ; :, `: `: `' '. ` : '.. `'. ..Audrey, though Fermenter and Botulus counters can feed Freedom in a pinch.

Beatriz is a.. ': ., '. ', ..that hasn't seen much play since its release, but I wholeheartedly believe it deserves its.. ; `: `' ` ..in this deck. Freedom naturally wants to crack open HQ (making WAKE a great card for.. `.. : `'..), but corps can play around this by icing up R&D.. ., '.. ', ..the remote, then just installing and scoring agendas they draw. Beatriz turns this situation on its.. `.. , ., ', ..by letting an open HQ turn into an R&D lock. She even synergises incredibly well with WAKE, as.. ` `.. , ..HQ run gives WAKE a counter, which you can then spend when she lets you breach R&D for 3 accesses (or.. `'.. `' '. , ..if you've already charged up WAKE by running HQ a few times first). While I only.. : '.. ; ` ., `. `. , ', ..her once at nationals, she won me a game where I'd been on the back foot.

In the end, this deck won 4 of the 6 games it played at.. '.. ., ` : `' '.. ., `. ; ..(I played corp in a 2 for 1). The games it lost were due to me being too greedy. I installed a Hippo.. ., `'. ., : '.. ; ` ..Cobolt's PE to last click trash the Vampyronassa on the remote, behind which was a Fujii.. ` `.. ., ` ..wiped my hand, and a Blood in the Water score next turn killed me. I also last click hit a Ping against Fern's R+ to.. ; ` , ., `. ..a Beale, but hadn't drawn up and was killed by End of the Line next turn. The old adage of don't run last.. ': `. : ': ':, ..remains.

A huge thanks to harmonbee for introducing me to this wonderful game, and being part of the excellent judge team at this year's nationals. The Warwick Uni and Birmingham metas have also been great to play with, and I am thankful to have so many friends among.. ` `.. , `'...

13 Nov 2023 m.p

I am glad to see a Khumalo deck again! However, as my brain is out of order rn, could someone help me understand the code (assuming it's not just replacing various terms which you can just find by context)?

13 Nov 2023 Inactivist

@m.p Some facts that might help.

1) I played Hello in Barcelona.

2) They're clearly an Apex stan.

3) They signed my mat in ITA2, the code that Apex's flavour texts are written in.

4) This isn't quite that, but the whole experience was absurdly pleasant.

5) I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun scrawling out semicolons in the middle of the night.

@Hello .. '; ,: ': ':, .. `: `' ,: .. <3

13 Nov 2023 Inactivist

(yeah I realise that's slightly off but I can't edit it now)