Cutting Edge Research

CodeMarvelous 20021

So here is my idea for a Hayley stimshop deck.

The operating premise of this deck is set up lightning fast and be ready to run.

Comet lets you chain events together and Hayler's ability lets you install a second card of the same type once per turn.

This allows for some interesting combos, if I diesel and draw a modded I can immediately use it on the same click to install something at a discount and then when that card is install I can follow it with something of the same type, gaining three clicks of actions for 1 click.

Her ability also triggers with personal workshop allowing you to get a free install with no clicks following you bringing something off the shop. Since personal workshop can be utilized during any paid ability window you can use it during the corps turn getting extra clicks during the corp turn.

the idea here is a very stable and efficent rig that can be set up fast. Expensive things like magnum opus are offset by lower cost mem chips and breakers.

symmetrical visage over ProCo because of the lower tempo hit.

I think this could be something pretty brutal.

16 Apr 2015 DrunkenGineer

Where's Day Job? Having Comet totally removes the tempo hit of Day Job, letting you boost up by 8 credits and still run that same turn!

16 Apr 2015 CodeMarvelous

day job still has the extra three clicks requirement so in order to trigger it I would need to play an event and then spend the next three using day job so I still lose my whole turn @DrunkenGineer

16 Apr 2015 tiedyedvortex

No, I think DrunkenGineer is right, sort of. The three clicks for Day Job are an additional cost, so you pay those as part of playing that event, and then you can play another event afterwards. If that event is a run event, you get the run on the same turn as DJ.

16 Apr 2015 ethyachk

Day) Job that triggers Stimhack) as an example.

16 Apr 2015 CodeMarvelous

-1 parasite -1 clone chip +2 day job

17 Apr 2015 Ber

Day Job into run event, genius!

17 Apr 2015 Alsciende

A turn with Day Job into Stimhack would be so awesome! Makes you almost want to run Comet in an Anarch deck.

17 Apr 2015 Chimpster

Really like this one, not completely convinced by Comet here (maybe more so if the multi access was event based) but love the simplicity of the breaker suite.

Are you persuaded at all by London Library? Works so well with Femme and Lady and would possibly allow you to swap out a Zu for a Torch or something similar. I am possibly getting off the beaten path of your deck though, and I certainly do like the look of it!

17 Apr 2015 CodeMarvelous

I am considering replacing comet with astrolabe

19 Apr 2015 TrungusWungus

Are you telling me that I can personal workshop for example at the end of the corp's turn then install and extra card from my hand? AND THEN HAVE YOUR TURN TO DO ANOTHER!?

19 Apr 2015 Chimpster

Yes, her ability is very, very good. Lots of nice synergies!

19 Apr 2015 Lord_Reynardine

So if Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar's ability triggers after an install from personal workshop, I assume you can install a card from your hand mid-run! Madness!

19 Apr 2015 TrungusWungus

Goddam I hate shapers. Disgusting.

20 Apr 2015 NicoleyMoley

The brain damage from Stimhack is going to be a problem for you because you need to be able to hold enough cards in hand to fire Hayley's ability. Comet is also a bit pointless here because you're not running enough events to make enough use of it. Box-E offsets the brain damage and provides more memory for your rig, I'd recommend - 2x Comet -1x Clot +2x Box-E. You can probably drop a Mem Chip too and you've 2 more card slots for whatever you'd like.

Day Job is pointless in a deck running Opus because it ends up being the same efficiency (click for 2 credits) so it's not worth the splash.