Eternal Lite Runner Banlist 1.0 - Please read description

Torch 22

This is the ban list for Eternal Lite as of 9/12/23. The goal of this format is to create a large pool of options for players to enjoy the classic feel of Netrunner. We have tried to ban any combos or single cards that reduce the gameplay to a point where it is no longer about two players in the attempt to get 7 agenda points or a flatline. This list is a first draft and your feedback is not only welcome, but encouraged. Please feel free to leave a comment below discussing a card that you might think should've made it onto this list or perhaps something that is banned that you feel can be a part of a more relaxed eternal format. As always, please be respectful.

The following ID's are banned.

Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist

Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire

Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician

In addition to the cards in this decklist, you may only include 1 copy per card name of the following in an Eternal Lite deck. (For example a deck could include both Aeneas Informant and Apocalypse but it could not contain two or more copies of Aeneas Informant)

Aeneas Informant
Clone Chip
Data Leak Reversal
Gang Sign
Levy AR Lab Access
Power Tap
Tech Trader


This list is an attempt to create a fun Netrunner environment for our local meta and we think it could be a potential option for players around the globe. Originally inspired by The Big Boy's "The Classic Format", the goal of Eternal Lite is to harken back to the "golden age" of Netrunner. Taken from his original description of his goals, this reflects our objectives with Eternal Lite.

  • The return of as many classic Netrunner cards as possible.
  • The aggressive removal of combo decks – These decks are fun puzzles to make and test, but quickly become tiresome to face. If you want to play combos then play Eternal.
  • The removal of alternate win-conditions that only detract from the health of the game – Netrunner is a dynamic, intricate game, where multiple factors must be taken into account on every strategic decision. Cards that make the game more linear and reduce decisions add no value.
  • A dialing back on Icebreaker and Economy power-creep – This is not supposed to be a ‘broken’ format. The objective here is to find a balanced form of Netrunner in a classic form.

Following these philosophies, we aim to create a balanced format that promotes deck diversity and the interesting and interactive gameplay that Netrunner is known for.

  • Overtuned efficiency -
    These cards just outshine the other available options for making credits. When these cards are left in the pool, it is often not a choice of how you'd like to make money in your deck because if you do not choose these, you are falling behind.
    Mars for Martians
    Bloo Moose
    Temüjin Contract
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator

  • Toxic Economy - These cards are not always the only dominant choice in credit generation, but they are instead frustrating to play against and create situations where gameplay becomes onesided or boring. Banning these engines or pieces of engines will prevent stale gamestates and encourage more interesting play.
    Au Revoir
    The Shadow Net
    Aeneas Informant (limited)
    Power Tap (limited)
    Tech Trader (limited)

  • Overtuned Hate Cards - These are cards designed to fight back against powerful strategies that by the nature of this banlist are now not an issue.
    Rumor Mill
    Aaron Marrón
    Employee Strike

  • Toxic Win Conditions - Cards in this group are banned or limited for being non-interactive strategies. These kinds of cards create a situation where neither player is engaged in the typical gameplay Netrunner is known for. Some of them might combo with other cards to encourage a non-game while others will give an entirely new way to win the game, creating a situation where neither player is playing by the same rules of Netrunner present in a traditional game.
    Salvaged Vanadis Armory
    Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire
    Apocalypse (limited)
    Data Leak Reversal (limited)
    Gang Sign (limited)
    Hyperdriver (limited)
    Levy AR Lab Access (limited)

  • Overtuned Ice Breakers - Included in this list are the breakers (or cards that invalidate ice) that are too efficient at what they do, power creeping all other options. In order to promote diversity, these cards are banned.
    Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga
    K2CP Turbine

  • Other - Cards in this list don't fit into the categories above so instead I will explain each individually.
    Account Siphon - This card, while embodying the classic feel of Netrunner, cannot exist in the same format as Diversion of Funds. DoF is a more balanced version of Account Siphon so we selected Siphon to get the axe. Pinhole Threading - Unfortunately, Pinhole Threading combos a little too well with Film Critic.
    Watch the World Burn - This card was never intended for any type of competitive play.
    Hermes - We do not want to play in a world where every runner gets to also be Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    Clan Vengeance - This card promotes not running and discourages interaction. It is also just incredibly frustrating to play against.
    Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra - This card is a free click for a run every turn while also protecting you against it's own built in downside. A product of a faster game, Ms Wheels embodies the power creep we are striving against with our list.
    World Tree - The level of tutoring provided by this card is too much. While some amount of tutoring is healthy for the game, World Tree enables certain combos to be too consistent and the game is in a healthier place without it.
    Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician - Tāo is pushed to a point that other shapers are much less desirable as choices. This ID is a product of power creep that we are trying to bring under control within this format.

In addition to the cards on the above list, certain cards are on a watchlist for a potential ban or limit. Our objective is a fun and interesting meta that allows for many different strategies to shine so if one strategy seems to be too powerful or too narrow then future updates to the list will reflect that. If you have any comments or feedback, I'd love to hear them! Please always remember, we all have different opinions - be respectful.

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

hoshiko banned but no Whizzard/Maxx ban seems very odd. Similarly, Hermes but no Leela, and rezeki&tapwrm but no pad tap.

A couple of cards i am very confused about in general. Most of all Na'Not'k. Also, Hannah, Inversificator, Bankhar and Au Revoir. Not sure what any of those cards have done to deserve it. Zer0 ban also seems unnecesary with clan venegance and armory gone.

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

(also, i dont think there is any difference between aeneas and techtrader being banned or restricted, as 1 copy of them does basically nothing)

8 Sep 2023 Torch

Whizzard and Maxx seem to me like where Anarch should be at in a world of Eternal Lite. Whizzard wants to trash assets, Maxx wants to trash her own deck for a burst of speed. Hoshiko just does more than any other ID in terms of what an ID brings to the table.

Pad Tap is absolutely on the watch list. I've always been of the opinion that it's an annoying and powerful card, but not an unbeatable one since it does have a built in interaction with the corp. It's absolutely on our watch list and if it seems to be dominant then it will probably join the list.

Hermes is banned because we don't want to see it with Leela and we don't want to see it with other ID's either. Leela herself is already an incredibly frustrating runner to play against, having to deal with her powerful ability on a super cheap console makes it difficult to justify a large swatch of other console options.

I appreciate your feedback! We want to continue to hear everyone out as we work on trying to develop a fun and engaging format!

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

Ok, I'm not sure why anyone would choose to be on Hosh instead of Maxx even if it wasn't banned. Loosing a credit every turn and having no ability unless you run seems like a lot of downside, but I guess from that point of view the ban isn't really hurting anything.

8 Sep 2023 gammanet

with the hopefully limited enough recursion, maxx should hopefully have high enough variance that she wont be a problem.

at one at least if you play geist you can still get a credit and a draw from all you cards, which is still very positive tempo especially with some of the nsg stuff.

na'no'tek kinda invalidates sentries on taller servers, and we hope to return to a more classic netrunner feel where sentries will be at least somewhat taxing or require a decent amount of tools to deal with. inversificator is like tao in that it undermines ice placement in a big way.

au revoir has an old super opus deck where you spend most the game clicking for 3

bankhar fixes up one of anarch biggest weaknesses and makes ice very irrelevant where you either need so much of it, or just decide you dont need any. next to stuff like hippo, and now parasucker this makes ice very bad and very feels bad. sure sometimes you randomly flatline on a endless eula, but most the time subroutines never resolve and you facecheck with impunity. effectively hes a faustsifr for the first ice you let fire each turn.

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

the only change to recursion that i see listed is the restriction of levy and you dont usually need the second one of those. (i guess shadow net, but that wouldnt be my first choice for recursion),

I must be pretty out of touch with og netrunner experience if big stacks of sentries are core to the experience. It also, takes very little planning to make a Na'Not'k look pretty embarrassing into big sentries. But i guess my argument again is just that is a bad card that people shouldnt play, so the harm is minimal

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

i can see 3x Au Revoir being pretty toxic, but it doesnt seem that much toxic than just having a magnum opus out.

8 Sep 2023 AugustusCaesar

it will be very funny to me if banning all the high strength stuff will be the thing that makes monkey wrench playable