Apprehension and Evasion v0.1

WardOfTheWoods 710

The main idea of this deck is to rush out Femmes and force an R&D lock. Eater helps us do this through Code Siphon . You should never ever have to install Femme from your hand directly, but just in case there's MOpus to keep some steady econ. Exile is great for keeping up pressure on R&D; if they trash the Femme'd ICE feel free to Test Run or Clone Chip them back to the field. Retrieval Run helps this out too, working with Eater to get in to Archives. Escher helps you shift ICE around if needed, especially on say a scoring server.

Biggest weaknesses are ICE with lots of subroutines and lack of Scorch protection, but feel free to switch some cards out at your own leisure to make it competitive. As always, feedback is appreciated.