Aesops Hayley, Now With Even Worse 3 Inf. Minifaction Card (

CritHitd20 6979

Guess what; this deck is still good. I really like the Levy Peace Tapwrm decks that Worlds showed me, but there are still reasons to explore Aesops, including that you can run 3 clicks a turn and still be a smug rich Shaper. I took everything I learned from my Worlds experience, shaved away the unneeded cards, and added some fun new tricks. Here were my main changes from my original list:

1: The Cyber-Cypher was not needed. It's good savings but this deck makes roughly infinity dollars once it gets rolling and minimizing breakers was helpful with smoothing draws.

2: Heartbeat was funny but honestly DaVinci plus smart play wins the Rewiring matchup most of the time. I added Spoofing at the last minute because I chickened out and I got Rewired through it in my only loss of the day with the deck anyways. :P Cut the Spoofing, improve deck consistency, and be brave.

3: Feedback Filter, however, is valuable until PU stops being so spooky. This deck can afford to use it pretty regularly and it's currently worth the slot, having won me two games against PE and Tennin. These decks and Miraju also encouraged me to add a Maker's Eye to close games alongside TTW.

4: I cut card draw since DaVinci really does allow you to be a turn or so slower against Rewiring, which is what they were there for initially.

5: Okay...let's talk inf. I cut Trope and Heartbeat, which gave me 6 inf to play with. I knew two were going to Harbingers, which are awesome Aesops sells and works amazingly with Brahman. It's a great add that I think makes a lot of sense...

...fine. Neutralize All Threats is my big change and despite regularly getting laughed out of the room in testing I'm convinced it's worth every point. It's a 0 cost HQI you can install off a Hayley trigger with a "downside" that doesn't actually exist since I personally trash almost everything I can afford to access lategame. The savings made by it are WELL worth the "negative" text, and I strongly believe it's better than HQI even at the extra inf point by merit of economic advantage. It, alongside Turning Wheel, allows you to get a bunch of recursion on the cheap with Rip Deal, as HQ is rarely heavily iced against a Shaper with such strong remote game. Lost your Clot and Sac Cons? Just Rip Deal 'em all back. Lost a breaker or FF to damage? Install Brahman and take yer lumps to get the card back. In testing it did some good things, but at the event the meta was too fast and I played really cleanly (for me) so I did not need it. I wish it had been Stimhack #3 or Hunting Grounds.

This deck has great game against Moons despite having 0 Lakshmi tech thanks to the amazing volume of econ and the Paricias/Clot, and it's still good against the rest of the field, having strong matchups against Bankers CtM, Jinteki damage decks, Rewiring, and any form of rush deck. If you're really scared, however, cut the Neutralize for Imp and Beth for Scavenge.

Play this deck so that when your opponent plays TarMar and they name Brahman you know that even if you're gonna lose this specific game, you've won something much, much greater. Thanks so much to the entire Stimhack crew for hosting a VERY well-run event and to all my opponents for some incredibly fun matches.

10 Dec 2017 Newti

Sweet deck.. I have one question tho: How do you deal with a turn 1 scarcity of resources? Lots of decks play it and i can't get my econ going at all when they open with scarcity.

10 Dec 2017 Newti

Sweet deck! I have one question: What do you do if the corp opens with Scarcity of Resources? Lots of decks play it and if I dont get very lucky sniping an agenda right away, i will never get my econ/rig going to contest and there is no proactive out in the deck.

10 Dec 2017 Newti

Sweet deck! I have one question: What do you do if the corp opens with Scarcity of Resources? Lots of decks play it and if I dont get very lucky sniping an agenda right away, i will never get my econ/rig going to contest and there is no proactive out in the deck.

10 Dec 2017 Newti

Sweet deck! I have one question: What do you do if the corp opens with Scarcity of Resources? Lots of decks play it and if I dont get very lucky sniping an agenda right away, i will never get my econ/rig going to contest and there is no proactive out in the deck.

10 Dec 2017 Newti

Sorry about that, i was getting error messages while posting. Any way to delete the excess comments?

10 Dec 2017 CritHitd20

It's definitely an awful feeling to deal with Scarcity, and it was a consideration I made when revising this list. There are a few more non-resource sells in the Harbingers, and you can also sell extra SMCs, your non-breaker programs, and even your console if you need to (don't recommend you do so though). Proco and Aesops are definitely worth playing through the Scarcity as they are the backbone of your economy. Daily Casts technically still makes money through Scarcity as well. Focus on getting your big resources first, click for credits rather than contesting centrals early, and save Stimhacks in the hopes your opponent might assume you're too poor to contest a telegraphed agenda. Given the lack of multiaccess in the deck trying to hope the Scarcity will go away on early accesses is often a mistake.

There are currently no currents I'd consider in this deck. Of the two best options, Interdiction can be played around, and while you could make room for Hacktivist Meetings I like my weirdo influence choices.

10 Dec 2017 CritHitd20

It's definitely an awful feeling to deal with Scarcity, and it was a consideration I made when revising this list. There are a few more non-resource sells in the Harbingers, and you can also sell extra SMCs, your non-breaker programs, and even your console if you need to (don't recommend you do so though). Proco and Aesops are definitely worth playing through the Scarcity as they are the backbone of your economy. Daily Casts technically still makes money through Scarcity as well. Focus on getting your big resources first, click for credits rather than contesting centrals early, and save Stimhacks in the hopes your opponent might assume you're too poor to contest a telegraphed agenda. Given the lack of multiaccess in the deck trying to hope the Scarcity will go away on early accesses is often a mistake.

There are currently no currents I'd consider in this deck. Of the two best options, Interdiction can be played around, and while you could make room for Hacktivist Meetings I like my weirdo influence choices.

11 Dec 2017 rubyvr00m

I messed around a bit with your world's list and really enjoyed playing it. I had a few questions now that you've updated the build.

First of all, do you miss the Hyperdrivers? Testing the original list I felt like they pulled a lot of weight.

Secondly, have you considered d4v1d at all? I know the influence cost is really steep, but it has great synergy with Brahman since you can top deck it to reset counters and it seems like it would handle basically any ICE that's particularly taxing for this deck.

11 Dec 2017 CritHitd20

Glad you've been enjoying the deck! It's always teaching me more about how to play well.

I do miss Hyperdriver. I'd like to find room for two of them, but I felt that the meta demanded Feedback Filter, and I wanted to try Beth and Maker's as 1-ofs, which worked out great. I think you could cut the FF and Beth for two but the Maker's is awesome for closing games and I would hesitate to drop it after a few weeks with it.

D4 Brahman is an amazing interaction and you can definitely toy with influence to use it. I tried it a few weeks ago and found that while it is great in specific matchups, those matchups aren't the ones you are struggling with. Does nothing against PU, is bad against Wilfy CI (only hits FC3 and Cycy would be better for that), really bad against Moons CI, does nothing against Rewiring, only hits Tollbooth against CtM. It's great against Titan with Pricon, Hydra, and general glacier decks, but as they currently are with the card pool I don't think it is as good as general economy or multiaccess.

11 Dec 2017 scd


11 Dec 2017 CritHitd20

But I put in new memes! Rip Deal in a Pawnshop deck is such flavour!