[Purge] The Boogeyman

London 415

This is the corp deck I didn't bring to our Purge event on a coinflip (opting for Mti). In hindsight I should've brought it as it would have likely destroyed the field.

Reg Asa has a lot of cards devoted to the scoring plan - WW, TPTB, Holoman, Biotic(s), Seamless. This list runs fewer agendas and win-related cards, and in exchange gets to add another ~3 econ cards. In Asa, that is a lot of gas. Furthermore, since you have no obligation to fortify a scoring remote, and your agenda suite is naturally safer than usual, you can go wider, often 4 remotes.

You very consistently hit the ground running. By turn 4 it's basically impossible for the runner to stop you having 3 rezzed cards, and with even a little luck you will have the kill combo and money to fire it. Without that luck, turn 6 is usually enough time (this feels very similar to kill Azmari). This means that even tech pieces like No One Home (which can wreck combo kill Ob) are unreliable to find. On our side, FLOP can draw enough cards to make Azmari jealous, and with MCA clicks you can even YOLO draw on a potential combo turn if needed.

Furthermore, even if you run into trouble, you still have a lot of game. Unlike Azmari, whose win chance plummets after turn 6, you don't rely on keeping a secure remote. Unless the runner has disruption they have to score out before you find the combo and 10 credits. And you have your own disruption with MCA and Working Prototype. Against resource-based counterplay, you can bounce it with WP, or just out-money NOH. There's Vitruvious counters and Archived Memories for trashing, which just leaves Cupellation as a potential combo-ender. However even then you still have a half impression of a reg Asa deck with MCA FA'ing 5/3s.

In a proper meta I think decks like this push tagme Liza out completely, and they also warp things overall. Concessions include stuff like multiple of NOH and Cupellation. This deck is MAD scary with fast it goes.