Deckbuilding Derezzed - Ep 14 - Temple of Eternity

CodeMarvelous 20021

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"The beanstalk is a great place for a temple and a museum!" Some NBN tourism executive

This deck has been a pet project of mine since Mumba Temple was spoiled. It has gone through many edits and frustrating testing to reach this competitive version.

The general game plan is to pile ice on RD, go wide with multiple asset installs a turn and FA.

NOTE: This deck can beat Whizzard by playing smart, spamming hard and holding high value assets until he doesn't have time to trash them

I go into detail on each card in this deck and how to pilot in Deckbuilding Derezzed and you can watch me play it in Test Run



15 Feb 2016 CJFM

I still like Legends of the Hidden Temple, but your title has a nice ring to it.

15 Feb 2016 Benjen

You monster. How do you sleep at night?

16 Feb 2016 CodeMarvelous

@Benjenon top of a huge mountain of credits

16 Feb 2016 CaKnuckleguy

Have you considered dropping Hostile Infrastructure for Snares? More one-shot but also more scary for a runner to just check every remote or deep-dig in R+D. Plus shuffling them back constantly makes them always relevant, instead of a threat for only part of the game until gone.

16 Feb 2016 CodeMarvelous

@Celebnar the hostiles are integral to my late game i need them to keep things on the table once the runner is rich

16 Feb 2016 moistloaf

Near Earth Durdle

17 Feb 2016 Oziride

the deck is great, I'm testing a similar one without Museum of History and so reducing the agenda pool. The only things a don't understand in your deck is how to score the Global Food Initiative ... the "problem" I found is that the against Whizzard "The 2-Armed Ice Feast" the runner begin an aggressive assault to my R&D, so I try to pile up ICE a little to slow him but I never have the ICE to defend seriously a G.F.I. and score it. please, help me understand, thanks.

17 Feb 2016 LynxMegaCorp

I believe GFI is mainly there to thin the deck out.

17 Feb 2016 LynxMegaCorp

I meant lower agenda density a bit.

17 Feb 2016 LynxMegaCorp

I'm testing this out with a few minor changes. Removed Protocols (the abundance of Imp makes it less reliable) for 1x Executive Bootcamp (tutor + cheapen asset rezzing) and removed GFI for 3x NAPD. Protects itself, taxes and can be scored in a pinch. I am also trying a Turnpike, but that probably will not hold without tag punishment.

17 Feb 2016 CodeMarvelous

@Lynx Kuroneko thats a good idea

18 Feb 2016 fetish

I've been playing a lot of Whizzard, and I'm noting that Hostile Infrastructure rarely lives long enough to be a factor - you are only going to do 3 net damage for 15 credits in most cases.

Is there a better use of that influence? Maybe Snare! to slow down Wizzard running wild on your new remotes? I'm looking at Cortex Lock or Psychic Field - thoughts?

18 Feb 2016 GentlemanGamer

I think this deck suffers from some of the same weaknesses NEARPAD had. Rarely does the runner develop the correct strategy in the first few games, but eventually correct play defeats it. I'd love to be proven wrong. What is the deck's primary 'out' once the runner realizes the deck has no way to leverage infinite credits into a win? As Whizzard, it seems that focusing on San-sans, Museums, and (lower priority) Hostile/Teams is the best approach. With no traps, I would happily let the corp get to 50 credits, check nearly every remote and blow up remote ice until the corp is forced into a corner. Patience is the key. This line of play is what defeated my vegan PANEERPAD builds prior to Kala Ghoda.

19 Feb 2016 CodeMarvelous

@GentlemanGamer I can see that, I will evolve if those issues start to emerge.

19 Feb 2016 CaKnuckleguy

After much testing on Jinteki, I stand by the switch from Hostile Infrastructure to Snares. HI's don't hit off deep R+D digs, and as @fetish notes, it is a minor speed bump most of the time. Snare has time and time again given me a scoring window against Whizzard. Occasional flat line, but it's not there for that. Once Whizz has to check themselves before the wreck themselves, windows open everywhere. Hardly ever does snare go into a remote server unless I really Turtleback bucks. Running last click goes out the window because if they hit snare, it's bye-bye Wyldside and that's an even larger tempo hit than just the net damage. Snare 4 lyfe.

19 Mar 2016 AidanReed

Hostile Infrastructure shuts down Noise, tough. Been thinking about 3x tech-start up instead of Pop-up Window. Shuffeling RnD is bad after stacking the odds with DBS, but being able to fetch any asset when needed at the start of turn and it's synergy with Museum of History seems crazy strong.

3 Apr 2016 ragnar lothbrok

Thanks for sharing it, it's true that Whizzard does not pose a serious threat for this, nice one!