Spoon and Switch

CodeMarvelous 20021

26 Feb 2015 Bananifier

Interesting build! I have a few questions:

26 Feb 2015 falseidol

I think 2 SoT when you aren't spamming a single event is usually the right call, 3 tends to clutter your hand, then you waste clicks drawing past it, then you waste clicks installing it because you don't want to discard :/

You are however, trying to do a few different things, and it stretches your deck a bit thin. That being said, it seems like you've found a cohesive place and it probably works pretty well, I would just recomend maybe a Zu.13 to help keep you aggressive while you're establishing your rig (and without silencer, you will always be pressured to save stealth creds for switchblade, making a secondary code gate breaker probably pretty convenient.

26 Feb 2015 lgbiteman

I love this breaker suite with Kit. This looks really similar to your dog soup build as well. Curious to give this a try at some point.

26 Feb 2015 TechnoZ

@CodeMarvelous, Hey Man, nice deck! Any chance we could hear some of your comments on card choices / how the deck is performing?

26 Feb 2015 CodeMarvelous

This deck is still in testing mode. it seems very vulnerable to not drawing proco early.

26 Feb 2015 IonFox

This seems rather similar to the stealth kit build I posted a while back. Usually ProCo is always super nice to see in the opening hand, but this deck should still be able to function well with out it, as you still have decent economy and car draw power.

You may want to switch those Cybersolution Chips to Akamatsu chips as I found that 6 MU is always enough in most cases and 5 MU (only astrolabe in play) was enough in most games with a little program management.

27 Feb 2015 IonFox

I also second @falseidol's 2nd point. From my own testing, Switchblade puts an immense strain on your stealth credit pool, and you'll either burn through your ghost runners or not have enough for refractor later on, as you don't run silencer as another source. I would either include a secondary decoder or drop the switchblade for parasite (I'm assuming it's inclusion is to deal with RP multisub) and find room for clone chips, which would also help Lady.

27 Feb 2015 IonFox

Finally, I personally would use forked instead of spooned in kit, simply because most people place code gates as the outer most piece of ice to deal with her anyway, and this also allows you to feel a little better dropping switchblade, or at the very least relieves you from using it too much, by trashing those pesky sentries.

27 Feb 2015 IonFox

Looking back, I also agree with @Bananifier's last point, and that a single HQ interface would work much better than a single legwork, for 2 reasons. One, you only run 2 SoT, which would be used for ice destruction in most cases. This means that once you use your legwork, you're HQ pressure literally drops to 0.

Secondly, the main objective of a stealth build is to make one, sometimes 2 efficient runs a turn and no more (as stealth creds every turn are limited), so a HQ interface would be better as it would let you apply HQ pressure throughout the game, and also has the added benefit of ignoring crisium grid.

You could also take a look at my deck, where I go through most of the choices for stealth kit, and explain their pros and cons. At the end of the day, I think that this is a rather interesting build, but it lacks focus. Due to Kit's influence constraints you may want to instead focus singly on ice destruction or switchblade use (with silencers), which would allow you to pull of the main trick more consistently, and allow you more room for shaper toys.

27 Feb 2015 yokhen

Nice idea for a deck. I have a better (in my personal opinion) and faster one cooking up that will bring to a Store Championship this Sunday and if I win (which hopefully will be the case) I will post it :D

27 Feb 2015 DrunkAlex

Played with a StealthKit deck very similar to this one. Only spoon wasn't released yet, so I used parasite (with the intention to switch out for Spooned)

A few things I want to point out:

  • As you already said, you want ProCo soon. In my experience, you should always go for ProCo opening hand. After 4+ turns it's hardly worth it anymore to use it if you only then draw into it. I noticed that even then, my deck was slow from time to time. I had Dirty Laundry instead of Diesel. DL was nice to have a little pay off after a very efficient run, but Diesel is a better call.

  • Switchblade is better than Dagger. I hate to say it, but it's just better. I used Dagger instead of Switchblade in my last tournament and I flat out regretted it. Once you go against Jinteki sentries Dagger is a pain and takes away the whole reason you play stealth: having high sustain with recurring credits. Encountering a Komainu after so many times drains your credits and you could play with your hand size to make it cheaper, but that is dangerous against Jinteki. Sure, you can use recurring credits with Dagger, but that is way less efficient. Using both Refractor and Switchblade/Dagger might feel like you don't have enough Stealth reds, but it's fine. Cloak is for Switch, Lockpick is for Refractor and Ghost Runner is backup. No need for Silencer. My version had 2x Tinkering for the multi layer ICE servers. I you think the server will put too much strain on your Stealth Creds, use tinkering. That way you can choose which beaker you want to use.

  • Multi-acces is always a tricky choice. People advise on HQ Interface for better long term pressure. I can totally agree with that. I personally used Legwork. Why? Twofold: 1) Bit short sighted, but it was 2 cheaper for an extra insta acces card and I was often strapped for cash because of all the stuff I had to install 2) (the main reason) People at least then get caught by surprise. Once you lay down an interface you get at least 3 layers of ICE on that server. My recurring credits hate that. I even thought of experimenting with Indexing and The Maker's Eye, but that is more suited for burst aggression. Another idea which is IMO better than HQ Interface is Nerve Agent. It's 1 cheaper, you've got plenty of MU and can use a spare SMC to tutor it.

  • Lastly: I think Akamatsu Mem Chip might be better than CyberSolutions Mem Chip. I'm not sure how your econ is going compared to mine, but I was often rich enough to make runs, but too poor to install the more expensive things.

Have fun! Kit is awesome. My last two tournament's people were very excited to play against it. Still only went 3-2, both losses against NEH. But that is more because of my lack of experience against NEH.

27 Feb 2015 xjohncandyx

I found with stealth Kit that I spun my tires setting up every now and then so I always tried to include Earthrise Hotel. Maybe it's overkill with ProCo though.