[SU] Turbine Zahya (Melbourne Startup CO 23H1)

Kror 87

This deck was a simple throw together for the 21 player Startup CO in Melbourne/Naarm. Along with my BtL list it took me to first place in Swiss and only losing out in the finals in the cut.

Main focus is around getting set up early and applying run-of-the-mill criminal pressure. Turbine, Twinning and WAKE being 1-ofs does mean being prepared to put the pressure on when they haven't shown up yet while continuing to draw through your deck to finish off the rig. Running often, but careful of blowout counterplays, is the name of the game. Zahya is the ID of choice for both the deck size and a steady stream of income from runs, often happy to take a single credit from a single access until full setup.


Round 1 vs Ob (HaverOfFun)

This game started off quite lucky, hitting 4 points off jailbreaks before the corp really had a chance to set up. A Zenit install hit one of my Buzzsaws from hand which was a calculated risk but opened the window for the corp for later. Eventually ended up with all breakers and turbine installed, myself at 6 points and Ob sitting on 3, approaching time in the round. In an overconfident misplay I made a run on Archives (my Mark) to check some facedowns and, forgetting about the unrezzed upgrade on HQ, got baited into Mavirus->Nanisivik trashing my second copy of Buzzsaw. Game ended up going to time, with the corp only making it to 6 points, but I was limited to only HQ from that point on due to enigmas on R&D and the scoring remote.

Round 4 vs Thule (ThePatrician)

My Initial hand and first few draws this game saw me with my entire program rig and console along with just enough econ to get me running, so by the corp's second turn, when they had iced one central and installed two marilyns I made two decisions that saw me through to the end: I was not going to play to rob the corp of econ, expecting mostly harmonic ICE which the turbine rig rips through, and I was completely happy taking all 3 nightmare archives as negative points. Shortly after full setup Thule managed a Djupstad score on me, so the pressure was on to ensure there wasn't a second core coming out. This lead to more points scored from HQ with a legwork (One being the Elivagar so I chose not to pinhole the Djupstad that turn) and from there a rather constant game of charging and discharging WAKE lead me back up to 6 points (Rather 7 with 2 Nightmares) while the corp was stuck on 3. This game also ended up going to time and when time was called with a 3 point difference I finally chose to be wary of a 3rd nightmare in case of fast advance shenanigans leading to a tie.

Round 6 vs Ob (ThePromethean)

Sitting undefeated to this point ThePromethean and I chose to ID the final round, but played a friendly game while we waited. This game was effectively zero stakes and in the interest of fun I knowingly ran into another Mavirus->Nanisivik play early on, effectively locking me out long enough for Ob to score out. Probably would have played more seriously but cannot say for sure that it would have ended different in the long run.

With Top3 Single Elimination and ending as the top seed I only had a single game to play and ended up taking my corp in so this deck remains untested in the cut.