The Spanish Influenza v3.1

Snake Eyes 4651

Now with Yog.0, Medium, and Earthrise Hotel.

Yog.0 is just too good to ignore. In The Spanish Influenza 3.0, I wanted to shave some influence and take a generally well suggested card in Passport - but I found the restriction for centrals-only to be too rough for it, and not getting passed easy stuff for free was something that I missed dearly. The initial investment of 5 is worth is long term in this deck. Breach is a different story, since it's more of a backup breaker and not a primary (with the exception of against Blue Sun). A single Cerberus "Rex" H2 is in play just to deal with Lotus Field - which isn't incredibly popular in my local meta (if it were popular, I'd have 2 Cerberus "Rex" H2s)

A Lamprey gets sacrificed in the mix, which is sad, but unavoidable. Just having one in play can still represent a great tempo swing - though it'll really force a purge considering Medium comes out to play now.

I really wanted something to punish R&D a little more. R&D Interface was a pretty good start - but I felt as though this deck should be able to handle more than that. That's why I'm trying out Medium now. It can be tutored through Djinn, so a single Medium is more likely to see playtime than a single R&D Interface.

Trying out Earthrise Hotel in the latest version. Considering how aggressive with facechecking this deck likes to be, eating John Masanori tags is counter-intuitive - especially as the release of Order and Chaos grows nearer and everybody is going to be playing Weyland.

Playstyle: Reserve Ghost Runner credits for stealth breaks. Only 5 stealth support cards for killers here - so getting up to 2 Silencers out shouldn't be expected until midgame. Try to get Datasucker out early, it can alleviate some of the pressure on Silencers by reducing sentry strengths down to zero, meaning that Switchblade can get through for only one stealth credit each.

13 Jan 2015 jawohl

I know that some of these changes are to make things work better, but sacrificing one Lamprey is like.. abandoning your idea and basic concept, Spanish Influenza, Gabe HQ ALL IN archetype.

With no recursion it's like might not be even worth it. I don't know, but you kinda worked this time with the core of Spanish Influenza which to me were - 2 Djinnjinn, 2 Lamprey, 1 Nerve Agent, 3 Sneakdoor Beta, 3 Account Siphon 3 Desperado. Playing the deck I've also felt like it lacks R&D pressure though.. so I don't know what's the sollution.

13 Jan 2015 Snake Eyes

I kind of agree, it's painful to let the 2nd Lamprey go - the 5 turns of tempo that 2 of them can bang out is just phenomenal.

I just tweaked things around a bit more, and I think I found a half decent way to go about it:

I'll probably be testing out both simultaneously. Earthrise Hotel is the big card that I'm pumped about using here.