Supplier Iain

biologyinoperation 39

This is a Supplier-powered Iain deck I've been playing and tweaking for a few weeks. It's a bit slow in its current form to compete with super-fast corp decks like NEH Astrobiotics, but it's very competitive against the slower ones which seem to make up most of the OCTGN meta right now.

If your meta has more horizontal/faster decks, you can try -3 Underworld Contact, -2 Access to Globalsec, -1 Dyson Mem Chip, +3 Bank Job, +1 Kati Jones, +1 Tri-maf Contact.

Good opening hands are generally those that have The Supplier and some econ or Earthrise Hotel. Hostage is here mostly so that you have a better chance of getting out a Supplier earlier. It's really hard to overstate how important supplier is, it makes half of the cards in the deck 2 cheaper.

Even though you're Iain you still want to run early and try to take agendas. But being Iain means that when you're not sure if something is an agenda or a trap it can sometimes make sense to just let the corp score it, the extra credits help you get set up a lot faster. This is doubly true if you have a Logos out and can also take the opportunity to find a missing tool.

Specific cards:

  • If your opponent is playing a slower game and unlikely to tag you, getting Rachel Beckman out early is extremely powerful, she's can be a good Hostage target.
  • Scrubber is very very helpful against resource-heavy decks and can also be tutored with Hostage.
  • Public Sympathy + Logos lets you have 8 cards in hand, which lets you survive a double scorch, ignore brain damage from big ice and Cerebral Overwriter, and safely use your interfaces even against Jinteki.
  • Sneakdoor Beta wins many games, especially in combination with HQ Interface. If you haven't lost by mid-game then you're probably threatening enough that they can't easily score in a remote, so very often agendas start building up in the corp's hand.