Boomer Café 🍽️ [2nd @ Colorado June GNK]

lukifer 1265

Boomer Cafe: Break Anything For One Credit

* Offer not valid on all board states, limit once per turn and per run, 2 unique connections not included, terms and conditions may apply

Pauleʼs Café quietly got some huge boons recently:

  • Juli lets you load up the Cafe clicklessly, while adding to your connection count
  • Trick Shot acts as Overclocks 4-6
  • “Pretty” Mary: another playable connection which pays for itself, makes your Trick Shots into Maker's Eyes, and accelerates your Conduit digs.
  • Coal is sheer gas, and another way to launder Overclock credits (even without the once-per-turn discount).

IMO it's a trap to try to max out the Paule discount too hard: you start to get efficiency payoffs at 2, in addition to delaying installs until you need them (and occasionally double-dipping discounts with DZMZ).


This deck has good bones on it and it's super fun, but it still needs a little work:

  • 47 cards was a last-minute panic move to try to smooth out regularity (3rd Nuka, 2nd SMC).
  • I think I'm ready to bail on Inversificator. It's powerful in the right matchup, but the install cost is too damn high, even not paying full price.
  • Pelangi is probably less needed without Inversificator, potentially freeing up a slot; though it does a fair amount of work to threaten two-ice servers in the early game.
  • Also meh on Pressure Spike.
  • Hush is clutch in some matchups, but kind of on the fence with it.
  • Same with Turbine: it feels wrong not to play such a busted card, but I find I don't install it in a lot of games.

Next iteration will probably be:

25 Jun 2024 somefish

Great stuff! Here's a little variation I made. Seems fun! It is tough to make Paule's Cafe work, the 1c it costs to activate really makes it meh.