Debutante Shaper

Diogene 4464

Regular Shaper Deck : R&D lock, efficient runs. This aim for an easy shaper deck to play, while showing some of the faction specific tricks. (French description followed by english).


Trucs reliés au deck.

  1. Utiliser Hyperdriver avec Professional Contacts.

  2. Utiliser Indexing puis The Maker's Eye.

  3. Engolo va permettre de passer les deux premiers ICEs sans avoir d'autres breakers.

  4. Na'Not'K et Corroder vont permettre de gérer les serveurs qui auraient 4 ICEs ("glacier").


No special trick, regular shapers stuff. Dig on R&D as much as possible. Run elsewhere to get the agendas. Miss Bones will let you deal with asset spam. 31 cards of the deck are economic card, either saving you creds, giving you clicks, giving you creds or giving you draw. 15 of those give you creds directly. While the combo Stimhack + Self-modifying Code is very often encountered in competitve shaper decks, it took me some time to understand it when I was a beginner, so I made the design choice to not use it. Otherwise, you can cut the Miss Bones and Armitage Codebusting to make space for that combo.