Shaper Bullshit Mk. Who's Counting

CritHitd20 7484

Got 2nd at a GNK with it, so you know it's good.

Pretty standard goodstuff Kate, but Khantract changes the dynamic big time. It is SO good in a deck based around a Parasucker strategy. You are a billionaire and you trash all the ice on R&D and you get paid to Index and then you win. This deck was the strongest I felt as runner in a long time, and I think this might be a real contender with a few tweaks.

I'd cut the Snowball for Inti and occasionally swap 1 Khantract for a Clot so people fear it. Right now I don't think it's needed; Russian NEH doesn't seem great against this list, and NACH solves the EOI danger. Feedback Filter was for my meta, not needed at all. Also interested in swapping QTs for Hyperdrivers, which will also help with setup speed, running a Temujin server a million times, or beating CI.