What no Snare?

tpsviper 252

I tried to approach Jinteki differently with this deck, Money draining ice and assets to help keep san san alive, save the chimera for the sundews or possibly melange and use this to pump out agendas quickly using the san san or trick of lights with shadow. It has been fairly successful on OCTGN (roughly 70% win rate). In this edition I took out the last Neural Katana for a third tsurugi and took out one restructure and 2 levi universities for 2 Iterns and a third pad. Sucks that I only have 1 Jackson but I feel that:

  1. I need 2 San Sans for better chances of getting it early
  2. Uroborous is extremely good in this deck
  3. Shadow is a must!
  4. Archer either as a surprise over one of the centrals or as a taxing ice to protect san san is very welcome.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I'm enjoying this deck alot and like to hear how I can improve it.

5 Feb 2014 Crazimir

Is Archer good enough that you wouldn't trade it for 2 Jackson Howard/1 Jackson Howard and the third Shadow? Looks very interesting. I play Ash instead of SanSan, but serving more or less the same role. What are the deck's weaknesses?

5 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

I would drop 1 howard and put in 1 rototurret. The amazing thing that no one does in RP is wreck breakers. All ice are painful, and to threaten remotes you have to faceplant into the central first. I'd say that yes, you can live without jackson, and RP is the place to do it. I might even go 2 archers and 1 less shadow and jhow.

I like the aspects of FA, I've made both a PE and RP deck that use sansan and ToL to FA, both won the 2 games I played with them. Couldn't decide which was better.

5 Feb 2014 Hoywolf

The problem is that they will attack the lightest central server, without Shock! it will be the archives most of the time.

What are the main R&D ICE and Remote ICE? Also I suppose you need to protect your HQ and Archives, what do you use that those?

5 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

The problem is that they will attack the lightest central server, without Shock! it will be the archives most of the time.

Even with Shock, they can still jack out before they access, making Shock a non-deterrent in the context of your ID.

5 Feb 2014 tpsviper

Hoy: I've been using the tsurugis and uros for centrals as well as the wall of thorns, mainly because they either tax the runner cred wise or cause some sort of negative effect. This takes away the "bounce off" effect of other ice in an RP deck. Chimera is only meant for remotes and I try to save archer for a san san if I can. I'm thinking of retooling further tho. By putting levy back in and taking out junebugs as getting the heavy protection on the remotes quicker is key to shutting down remote access. Also thinking I may switch out shadow for icewall for early scoring and SlySquid and I talked about swapping uro's for tollbooth