[Startup] Charlotte & Mazariner

Rhahi 526

Played 3 games at Drakar & Mazariner in Halmstad.

A PD deck without void. Tucana and Charlotte fills that void. By giving up the voids, I get influence for a very strong econ package of Charlotte. Charlotte fills up hand and playing them all isn't always possible. Greasing the Palm helps with full hands, and with three 2/3 agendas its tag punishment is still relevant against Sebastiao. Three Ravana comes with a risk of bricking the hand/board with an empty board, but with 8 other bioroid ice it is manageable. Tucana is maybe not a perfect fit without 1 point agendas, but its effect was still very strong in either win or score, counteracting Hermes, defending centrals, and rezzing bioroids for Ravana.

Corporate Troubleshooter was a last include, and not a strong one. It is intended to convert a lot of money into a forced win. However, this only works with Rototurret/Magnet, otherwise the runner can just click the bioroids through. It is a card looking for a better slot. Maybe more Skunks, Sprint, more econ, or maybe the new Brazilian grid?