Thanks again to Baa for the decklist dump the week before our GNK.
This deck is super fun to play in closed decklists, PE ability just speeds up the punitive lines and makes checking random servers kinda scary.
The archetype does feel is kinda fragile, since you don't have RH's "glacier" feel. Once the runner does try to contest Regenesis early (Regeneses?) and sees through the lines, it can be over pretty quickly.
Game 1 against Joshua's Mercury
I threaten an early 4 points w/ Regenesis + Bacterial. Eventually I threaten the win in the remote by installing and advancing a Fujii. Joshua tries to have a final dig with Divide and Conquer, but hits a Fujiis from RnD, bounces the card in the remote and accesses it from HQ. Flatline.
Game 2 against Ardie's Mercury
Ardie hits an early Fujii (or was it a Bacterial Programming?) and I have enough money for the Punitive kill.
Feels pretty good to kill Mercury decks.