Net Ready Knives

echo/ 836

Undefeated in the BABW Qualifier at Warwick University

8 Aug 2015 Phoenix

Looks interesting; couple of questions:

1) I am assuming you didn't run into Batty combined with Ichi/Archer.... in the tournament? You seem quite susceptible to program trashing.

2) Are you not installing the Peddler till all of your programs are on the board? Again, with no recursion if Peddler hit two programs, could be an issue. Just wondering how you handled it?

3) Did 1 Legwork, 1 R&DI feel like enough pressure?

Congrats on the win record!

9 Aug 2015 echo/

Yeah going down to one of each breaker with no recursion was something I decided the night before the tournament as previously I felt the deck had too many dead draws.

On the day I played against decks with Batty but never actually had one fired at me. This may have just been lucky, although I think it is possible to play around Batty and I was trashing him whenever I saw one from R&D or HQ. In the final game of elimination I did run into a 5MU cortex lock on my first turn and lost the Switchblade to the damage. I was still able to pull through without ever needing a sentry breaker (although I did have a Faerie installed just in case).

This is also something I considered, although it can be mitigated by using Special Order to put breakers into your hand before playing Peddler. However if we actually think about the probability of this happening, taking an example case where all 3 breakers are still in the deck after our first 15 card draws (i.e. there are 30 cards left in our deck), there's only a 2% chance that we hit more than one breaker. If we've already drawn one breaker at this point so there are only 2 left in the deck this is reduced to 0.6% (calculations performed using So really I wasn't too worried.

I originally had 2 Legwork in the decklist but couldn't find my second copy the night before the tournament so I played 1 Inside Job instead. There were times during the day I wished I had more HQ pressure, but Inside Job did actually get me points so it wasn't a terrible trade off. R&D Interface really shone, most of my points were through R&D accesses but I believe one is enough as Street Peddler helps you find it and once you are set up you can easily run most R&D servers every turn at minimal cost.

9 Aug 2015 TonyStellato

I love it! This is definitely my kind of deck, and the idea of Yog and Switchblade as your breakers means so many runs will be free/net you money. I copied your deck last night and made my own changes. Keep in mind that I am using cards from the Gencon card pool, so spoilers and whatnot. Thoughts?

-3 Earthrise Hotel

-2 Street Peddler

-2 Crash Space

-1 Kati Jones

-1 Datasucker

+3 Fisk Investment Seminar (duh, this card is ridiculous)

+2 Symmetrical Visage

+1 Passport

+1 Cloud Fracter (this is for multi-sub and big barriers. 1 corroder and one of these really rounds out a nice barrier suite for crims without parasite)

+1 Hostage

+1 Jak Sinclair (This goes amazing with security testing, and really punishes asset economy. After quite a bit of testing him in various Andy builds, I am sold. Also good for turning off RP's ability if they have an outermost etr)

9 Aug 2015 TonyStellato

oh shoot, I took out a faerie for a second Inside job so you can play a little faster (2 of your breakers need multi-card set up).

9 Aug 2015 echo/

@TonyStellato I can see the justification for all of those changes, FIS seems strong although the deck may want more HQ pressure to take full advantage of it. You are losing some amount of card draw/selection by dropping the Earthrises and 2 Pedlers, Symmetrical Visage helps mitigate that somewhat but it doesn't find your rig any faster.

Definitely agree on Jak Sinclair being strong, don't know if Hostage is the right way to support but I will almost certainly play Jak. Sherman will depend on what ICE is being played, I don't think I hit anything on the day where it would have been more efficient than Corroder but we'll see where the meta is post D&D. Passport is fine as an early breaker but I've found the current setup to be rich enough to just install Yog as soon as they rez a Code Gate.