Face Roll Extravaganza!!

jethren 3

A monkey could pilot this deck. seriously I named it face roll for a reason. say hello to, "get money, get breakers, run." incarnate. there is enough burst econ and deck thinning draw cards in here to choke a camel. and just in case you haven't won the game by your second time through your deck having spent the 200+ credits or so you got from events. kati jones is there to give you that last little boost of sustain to your econ you will need.

against asset spam, let them have their assets. forget them, it means their agendas are either in their hand or deck... perfect! you have 2 each of r&d + hq interfaces respectively as well as 2 femme fatals for this very reason. lock down these 2 servers. you win. run anywhere they put down ice. get them to waist money rez'ing then keep hitting hq and r&d. against a glacier you should most likely use your 2 femmes on the scoring server. this will force them to ice harder on scoring server and you will be free to run all over hq and r&d. fast advance? hit hq and r&d. seeing a pattern? this deck is very simple and very effective. you have your niche counters just in case with film critic and plascrete carapace. I am thinking about putting in a city hall for tag shenanigans but I just don't know what I would take out.

have fun face rolling.