classic zahya

gammanet 91

second in the I-70 Sunday showdown tournament in Mission. good to see the KC crew, 8 players. won round 1 vs advance Weyland, lost round 2 to digital life Asa where i mutual favored out carman instead of engolo and a few turns later ws clearing off a red team and realized Ikawa was behind gatekeeper and that the game was over as i had no way in and no clicks. oh well. and round 3 this dropped to R+ because they IAA'd a card, i had 8 credits, installed boomerang and inside jobbed the server. forgetting to click for a credit. it woulda put me to 5 points(and like 6 tags) allowing me to just need a touch to win, instead I just looked at bellona and scooped knowing there wasnt more game to be played.(also lost my barrier breaker to retribution, what a card.)

after tournament im kinda looking to add blueberry diesel, i have so many bad cards that filtering some draws would be really nice.

if playstyle isnt apparent, were an aggrocrim capitalizing on anywhere we can get in and getting as many touches as possible. mulligan for hermes and bankroll. but havinga little econ and multiaccess will work fine.

then after the event played a fun game vs another asa, we manage to do classic crim things, ran lots of places had lots of money andturn a 0-6 losing game to a 7-6 game.