Force Mentale

Diogene 4178

Stronger Together might be the most taxing ID. This list aim to prove it is a viable ID.

Of note : Brain-Taping Warehouse is a key card for Stronger Together. With it, you get the advantage of Architect of Tomorrow ID, but you get stronger ices. It cannot be understated or replaced for this deck.

Game plan.

  1. Ice every centrals and one scoring remote.

  2. Jinja on the following servers : Scoring Remote > HQ > R&D. The aim is to build a glacier.

  3. Initially, all assets are naked. If you can ice something, go for this : Jeeves > Brain Taping Warehouse. Nothing else should be protected.

  4. Use Jeeves or La Costa to score an agenda the turn after you put it on the board.

Trick of the deck.

  1. Jinja will give you great tempo and credit saving.

  2. Calvin B4L3Y will feed your Jinja nicely.

  3. If you are lucky, at least one Brain-Taping Warehouse (BTW) will survive and let you rez an ice (or more) for free. Otherwise, it will still cost the runner 4 creds to trash it. Most runner run Bioroid ice on their first click to use the clicks to possibly break the ices, letting BTW save you 3 creds per ice.

  4. Cyberdex Sandbox will let you purge for creds. Score it at the earliest occasion.

  5. CFC can gain you a lot of creds mid game, It could be changed to Corporate Sales Team, but I prefers to stay on the theme of Bioroids.

  6. Mental Health Clinic is amazing here. The drip econ will help you a lot and you do not care about the hand size of the runner.

  7. Ices are cheap here, usually 3-4 creds. They will tax the runner a lot.

  8. The runner will need 4 agendas to win, and you will usually need 3 agendas to win. This will give you some more time to setup.

  9. Once you have 3 or 4 ices on Scoring, HQ and R&D, make sure to double protect Archives. You can lose to some Archives shenanigan.

  10. Roughneck Repair Squad will do two things : let you get rid of at least 1 bad pub (especially against Valencia). Bad Pub make your ID invalid. Also, 6 cred in one turn will help a lot, since the ices are pretty cheap.

  11. If you have 4+ ices on a central, it will make Apocalypse very tough to use (near impossible). Apocalypse will wreak your game quite a bit. You have a lot of ices (19), so you can recover, but losing 8+ ices will take out a lot of protection, since the ices can be clicked through.

This ID is seldom used and it part of the Core gameplay. It has the strenghts of making every ices more costly to break. That little bit more will grind the runner quite a bit.

Title mean : Mental Strenght.
