Prepaid Kate 1 Lady 1 Snowball - Moncton NB Regionals Top 8

PaxCecilia 294

This runner deck was only actually won 2 games during 5 rounds of swiss... but I ended up 3rd in the swiss rankings due to an awesome performance on my corp. I finished 5/6th in top 8 cut (loss as corp, win as runner, loss as corp).

Oddly enough I expected my Kate to do better than my corp, but I was surprised to find myself unable to find Prepaid VoicePAD. The deck is a little different from a lot of the Blitz style, but I decided to go a little slower by removing a Lady and Scavenge to add Snowball and Quality Time. I really enjoy seeing more Quality Time throughout the game, and frankly the deck makes so much goddamn money that you can replace Lady with Snowball when it runs out of tokens.

My very first match had an extremely hilarious loss on both our parts. My Butchershop lived up to it's name and slew him thoroughly, then I played against his Cybernetics Division deck. Got a bad hand, mulliganed into another bad hand, and he installs a remote, protects it, and plays a hedge fund. I couldn't get in, next turn he scores a Self Destruct Chips... a few turns later I hit a Hades Fragment from his R&D on my last click with 2 cards in hand. Punitive, it's over. We had 40 minutes left in the round!

In the top 8 I played an extremely close game against a Blue Sun 6 Agenda deck. He scored a High-Risk Investment really early because I couldn't get my plascrete out and I knew he had a Punitive in hand. Once I got my Plascrete out I ran and stole a Cleaners. Once we were 3/3 I knew that either had to pick out the Government Takeover, or steal two 3 pointers. For maybe 10 turns we just both did economy and drawing, at one point he used the High Risk Investment token to gain 33 credits. He installed a card into his scoring server (keep in mind he's on about 65 credits at this point), I didn't run it, then he advanced 3 times. I figured to myself (big mistake) that I'd wait a turn to see if it was the Government Takeover. He scores Cleaners. I Dirty Laundry archives to see he's discarded all of his Punitive Counterstrikes... then I realize that he is definitely holding a SEA Source + 2 Scorched Earth, which I cannot survive with 1 plascrete and 5 cards. So I do an Indexing run, see no agendas (2 left in maybe a 15 card deck), then Legwork HQ. Hit the Government Takeover for the win. Such a close game!