
Snake Eyes 4651

This is a deck built to set up in lightening speed. Use Inject and MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock's ability to powerdraw and get your main breakers in the bin, fire them when needed. Temüjin Contract and Liberated Account for econ, Faust as an early or unusual ICE ICEbreaker. I've tried all of Obelus, Vigil and Grimoire in this deck as the console, and I liked Grimoire the best because of the extra and it helping kickstart your viruses.

Wincons include Medium deep dig, with some ICE Destruction, and remote pressure in the form of fast breakers and Rumor Mill to mess with fancy defensive upgrades. Vamp is a big hand against all sorts of decks, my original build of his deck had 3 copies, but I've since wittled down to ensure that I get breakers fast, and that said breakers are a little more resistant to some popular cards like Ark Lockdown or Blacklist.

The rough play against this deck is killing the Levy AR Lab Access. If you suspect the lockdown, Déjà Vu it to hand or shoot it a little early.

17 Oct 2016 Torf

You can install Paperclip and Black Orchestra from your bin. Why do you need them three times?

17 Oct 2016 Snake Eyes

To get them up and running REALLY fast. Redundant copies are Faust fuel and protection against the somewhat popular Ark Lockdown.