Built to Trick (startup)

Diogene 4179

Bluffing with Weyland Consortium: Built to Last is fun and best of all, does not put you back economically.

Before I explain, I'll give you the mulligan plan : at least one ice or 2 econ cards and never more than one agenda.

The decks has 3 tricks :

First, the obvious : both player need to score 9 points to win. This gives you a great dillution to set yourself up.

Second : you have 6 assets that you can advance behind one piece of ice. Even if the piece of ice is not taxing, having to pay to trash it will cost the runner in time, credits and tempo. If they do not run, you can win by killing them or putting their credits to zero.

Third : when you advance something, just put one counter, if you have a Seamless Launch. That way, you can score next turn if the runner does not run. Because of this, the runner must run E-V-E-R-Y time there is something in the remote. Because it can either kill them, make them poor or you can score out.

Now, a fun part of this : after seeing Seamless Launch or Clearinghouse or Reversed Accounts, the runner will understand that they must run. This is where you can attempt the kill bluff : advance Urtica Cipher to 6 counters. Usually over 3 turns. Of course, some runner will not take the chance. But, according to circonstances, you could make the runner believe it is Clearinghouse. And then, they run, and flatline themselves. You will seldom be able to pull this off, but when you do, it is fun!

Otherwise, there is a good amount of creds. Cayambe Grid is a 4th ice and it can push Colossus or Ice Wall to insane levels. Those ices are actually the reason why Boomerang and Botulus are pretty much essentials.

The only other unusual thing of this deck is : no Spin Doctor. Haha!


20 Mar 2022 Risha

Newbie question, why score is 9 points not 7 ?

28 Apr 2022 SirGord

@Diogenereally enjoying this list thank you! I'm new to NISEI/startup and this has been a great entry in. Looking forward to trying some more of your lists cheers!

@Rishaall the Agendas are 3 pointers - so the Runner (and you of course) have to score three of them to get to 7 points (which will actually be 9 points). I like this control vs flexibility of more lower pointer Agendas. In my last game I sat on four agendas in my HQ but managed to make it look like my HQ wasn't very interesting and the Runner kept trying to get into R&D instead (sure a Legwork sniff on HQ I'm done for but it wasn't that kind of deck). I'm finding when the route to victory for the Runner is needing 3 agendas, if I know where they are I can control it, if I don't know where they are (still in R&D) I'm gonna need to get real unlucky for them to hit them before I've had one or two safely installed in a lovely wall of a server (with Cayambe Grid making it really too expensive to hit up). This happened in the last game, SDS Drone Deployment caused enough mischief for Runner's rig, Runner gave up on the fat remote, Clearinghouse for the win!

1 May 2022 Diogene

Thanks @Risha for your excellent explanation, you got it right. Cheers!

1 May 2022 Diogene

@Risha that is a good question, those questions are very welcomed.

Thanks @SirGord for your excellent explanation (in another comment I credited @Risha by mistake), you got it right.