
phlip45 280

So I started playing Jemison because of a deckbuilding challenge I set for myself. Turns out shapers HATE Corporate Town. Standard Jemison ramping deck for the most part. I had no idea what to do with all my influence so put in a Loki. It seems to actually do quite well as a 3 strength colossus that ends the run. Junebug in here for the cheeky kill.

28 Nov 2017 oranfahey

you are worthy of my first comment on here. This looks like a lot of fun!

28 Nov 2017 cinnadream

This is an interesting forfeit-spam control setup. How well would Success work in this?

28 Nov 2017 phlip45

@cinnadreamI feel like Success would only be useful if you switched to running Government Takeover. Turning a Global Food into a Government Takeover can be quite funny, but I think it is a little too unwieldy.

Oberth Protocol works much better as you scoring piece. You turn a Hostile Takeover into a global food from hand, instead of leaving an agenda on the board and then getting only 4 advancements out of a hostile with Success.

For those that aren't familiar: with a Hostile Takeover already scored and an Oberth unrezzed in your scoring remote, Install GFI -> rez Oberth eating the takeover -> Jemison gives 2 advancements to GFI -> Advance, getting an extra from Oberth -> Advance -> Score.

You can also turn a 0-point Standoff into a sweet sweet overadvanced Project Atlas with an unrezzed Oberth.

29 Nov 2017 LeNoble

How do you tackle Clot or other Fast Advance ruining cards? Would the Cobra work better as a Rototurret for the end the run sub? What sort of value do you get out of the Veritas?

Otherwise looks like a slick deck! I've been thinking about making a Jemison deck but haven't been too sure where to start!

29 Nov 2017 Severijn

Looks fun. I am also a fan of Jemison. Corporate town is a great back-up fast advancement tool. I still swear by running 1x Archer in the sentry slots.

Standoff is an easy include in Jemison, but I think you should consider running Team Sponsorship so that you can come back if the runner is so inclined to trash your cards. It is also just good because you can get corporate town, QS or Oberth Protocol back for another use.

I am a fan of using Hunter Seeker as the restricted card for Jemison. Jemison's unique abillity means that I am almost never agenda flooded and I prefer to have my 3 pointer agendas do something useful. Hunter Seeker is key for disrupting the runner's ability to hinder my fast advancement. It also helps with scoring a naked standoff over two turns. Either they take it, which means Stock Buy-Back and Hunter Seeker are live, or they do not and you get fodder to forfeit.

29 Nov 2017 phlip45

@LeNobleClot is often just to purge. If I have out a C-Town you can kill their Sac-Con before the purge which usually clears the Clot. More troublesome is Clone Chip Clot lock. Since I've made this list I've changed some things, namely including an Angry Secretary in addition to the Junebug, so if you suspect a clot, that can often be the perfect time to throw those out and do the slow, advance....action? What makes the bluff really work is when you have agendas scored or an upgrade in the server.

I have also since switched some of the Ice out as well. Trading Loki and the 2 Veritas for another Mausolus and a Wormhole. I'm still not happy with it, but I don't think Rototurret is the answer with so many Turtles running around. (in my meta anyways).

@Severijn Archer is a fine include in Jemison, but it is often between choosing Tithonium and Archer, and I added an extra Tithonium. Archer could definitely take the slot of the Snek though.

As far as cheerleaders go, I'm not sure I need them. In most games I don't find myself running out of fast advance tools. Often times I have too many in hand and end up pitching them myself. If you find your stuff being trashed all the time, I can see including it. I usually like to have just one remote to protect against easy Maw triggers.

Hunter Seeker is a great restricted card for Jemison, I just prefer to have that little bit of extra time that GFI can give you when you get unlucky. Also slots are really crammed in Jemison and I'm not sure what I would want to sacrifice to put it in. The most obvious would be Trick of Light but I find that having a way to fast advance that isn't tied to my ability is really important against decks that pack Employee Strike or even just in the late game for certain matches. Fast advancing the last two points with a trick of light can win the game, where using Jemison's ability would only get you to 6.

30 Nov 2017 Severijn

I do not think you should be afraid of employee strike. You do not see it as frequently anymore now that it has to compete with the restricted list. And even then: You are playing 6 agendas that you can score from hand. That's plenty of ways to deal with currents.

Team Sponsorship is good when there is Maw everywhere, but also decent for bringing back your crucial assets. I even use it to install the next agenda from hand. Do give it a spin if you don't know where to put your influence. I am tempted to try it with GRNDL Refinery as part of the economy shell. Sounds like a great economy card in a deck rocking oberth.

I find your choice of trick of light interesting to be sure, though I am not sure how necessary it is. I usually do not have an issue scoring out. The problem I am facing is that I need to dig for agendas far more than for fast advancement tools. All in all, I rely a lot more on tutoring to address that need as is shown here.

30 Nov 2017 phlip45

I didn't even think of including GRNDL Refinery. That can actually be pretty crazy for money generation. I might switch out the Stock Buy-Backs for that. Worth testing I think. With an Oberth out, it is at least 3 clicks for 7 credits which is a Melange, and if you rez the Oberth to do it, it gets even better.