Screw the rules, I have green hair!

skydivingninja 412

This is an updated version of the Quetzal deck I've been running for a while now. It used to have Eater and Account Siphon, but after realizing that I rarely wanted to install Eater in most games, I wanted to make a deck with more traditional breakers. Instead of the Siphon/Eater strategy, I added Inject for more consistency, as not drawing money early on kills every deck and this one relied on that a little too much, Clone Chip to recur D4v1d and Parasites, and Legwork to take advantage of how corps play around Vigil. So far all of these changes have made the deck faster and more consistent.

So far this deck in all its incarnations has been some of the most fun I've had with a runner deck in this game. Its very flexible without a lot of green shenanigans, can be super aggressive early on without much fear of anything, and can pretty easily deal with Blue Sun and RP's crap. I'm definitely going to take it to Regionals.