[Startup] Startup Week: Running with Knives

Stwyde 31

Hi all,

Since content creators seem to be doing a lot of startup this week, and there's been a general lack of startup decks since the new banlist, I figured I'd post some startup brew that I've had just for funzies.

Note that these are all not particularly refined decks, but work as starting points for testing out some jank ideas that would work better in in Startup than in Standard. Flavor this deck to taste :)

The idea behind this deck is pretty simple, run for value, run to stab the corp. Stab corp three times, yell "Et tu, Brute?" on each knife landing, and try to win before the corp scores out.

There is no multiaccess in this deck.

There is no intention to add multiaccess to this deck.

This deck could really use an Overclock, you can probably find slots for it by cleaning things up. That challenge is left as an exercise to the reader.

Burner exists to provide HQ pressure, specifically to reduce the threat of a kill combo or score combo (throw those seamless launches to the bottom of R&D and laugh!)

3x Diesel could probably be swapped to a combination of Diesel and Liberated Accounts.

The lack of Bahia Bands is concerning. I have no idea how I missed adding it. Definitely swap the diesels out for Bahia Bands or something.