Inverse Kit Law (3-2 UK Regionals North)

gosbourn 1

It turns out organised play is amazing and I can't wait for more.

I hope Kit is reprinted in all her glory in Dawn but I doubt it somehow. Part of the holy trinity of cool decks where you're playing them and not just the faction along with Az and Esa.

Turns out if you only softly (1 Bahia bands and money I guess?) tech for tags and then play R+ in 4/5 matchups then you're going to have a rough time. Still, the absolute brick of value events in this means you've always got a shot. The one matchup where ICE was more than just a Ping was SSO Industries and I was able to fully lock the game after a lucky snipe of the only 3/2 in the deck on turn one by just going full shaper siege engine.

Shamelessly: if anyone lives anywhere near York and wants to play some netrunner then send me a message!