NEHB - 7th @ Torino CO

wowarlok 1177

Turns out that if your friends play with the King, there's a good chance you played some kind of NBN asset spam with a lot of HB influence this past weekend, go figure!

Most of the inspiration for this list comes from me spectating other TAI Breakers oracling for the King and then trying to recreate what I saw with poor results.

The power of the deck comes from Working Prototype and Amani Senai putting crazy amount of economic pressure on the runner, until they have a hard time contesting your remote. I think there are a lot of slots that could be optimized further, but the current version is already pretty good and it fit quite well in the meta I expected at the event.

Overall the deck went 2-1 where the only loss was an unfortunate agenda flood coupled with a few too many mistakes on my end.

Shoutout to the TAI Breakers for being an endless source of inspiration and overall great buddies and to the Italian community for playing in my first organized event!