Diogene 4464

Flatline the runner when they will interact with the corp. Gives them the proposition or running or being doomed.

Game Plan : Flatline by either using ZATO City Grid or Dr. Vientiane Keeling.

Mulligan plan : You want maximum one agenda and some economy in hand.

Shoutout to Enkoder who inspired this deck.

ZATO City Grid

You actually have 3 ways to flatline the runner :

  1. With ZATO City Grid, you put 2 ices that are either Anemone and/or Bathynomus. Because of ZATO City Grid, each ice will do 3 damages and most runner will be flatlined with 6 net damages.
  2. With Nanisivik Grid, you put Sting! and Anemone. When you rez Anemone, you'll do 2 damages, then with Nanisivik Grid, you can do 2 or 3 damages if either Bathynomus or Chrysalis is in archive facedown, finally, when the runner steal Sting!, they take 2 more damages, for a total of 6 damages.
  3. Put Dr. Vientiane Keeling protected by either of the two method mentionned earlier. You can first redirect the runner on Archive where a Nanisivik Grid will do some damage. Then, the runner must run and face the wrath of ZATO City Grid ideally. If the runner does not run, the doom clock is ticking away. You will just have to put an extra ice on the next turn and get some economy to help yourself.

Note that ZATO City Grid can only be put on the remote, so it is most likely that it is what you'll use.

Initially, I was using Anansi. But after a conversation with Limes, it was suggested to me that Saisentan is a good alternative, because it is cheaper and can kill on a facecheck. Especially against runner who use Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga.

You can use Tyr to redirect runner to it. It is a very troublesome ice to face. Otherwise, you can use it to feed Nanisivik Grid to do 2 Core Damage. This will go a long way with Dr. Vientiane Keeling.

Genotyping and Simulation Reset will allow you to get back ices (usually Chrysalis, Bathynomus and Tyr) to feed them again to Nanisivik Grid or ZATO City Grid.

You could replace Regolith Mining License with Celebrity Gift, to save on clicks. But revealing your hand is not ideal.

Unless you plan to feed it to ZATO City Grid, Chrysalis should not be installed, but rather trashed to feed Nanisivik Grid or used as a trap.

For now, few runners have caught on the power of ZATO City Grid in the Jinteki faction. Enjoy while Caldera is not splashed in every decks.


8 Jan 2023 Baa Ram Wu

Hummm - not sure that’s what I would have said - Anansi is one of the best answers out there to Bankhar so I’d have been unlikely to have suggested taking out Anansi due to bankhar.

I do like Zato in Jinteki decks though - that’s an idea I haven’t seen enough of!

8 Jan 2023 Diogene

@Baa Ram Wu you are correct! I had a similar conversation with Limes after and Limes suggested the Saisentan. I'm sorry to have misquoted you by mixing the conversations. I corrected the text.

Still, I think you were rig in saying that Dr. Vientiane Keeling is better in AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World than in Jinteki: Restoring Humanity.

Thanks for the chat in game, it is always appreciated. Cheers!

9 Jan 2023 superheronation

Diogene this looks like a lot of fun!

Card selection ideas:

I think Anansi is more reliably painful than Vampyronessa and is one of the hardest ices to get slammed into with Aginfusion. (It also works better vs. boats).

It might also help having cards which can force runs. (Keelings are also great but give the runner 5 turns to prepare). E.g. low-money Bladderwort can push runners into Nanisivik which is plenty dangerous on a credit pool of $2. NGO Front, Reaper Function, and the idea of Regenesis are also scary. (If the runner sees a single copy of Regenesis, every installed card starts looking like Regenesis).

Your deck gets a lot of value from recursion but only potentially 2-3 damage from 2 Stings. Replacing the Stings with a Longevity Serum might open up Nanisivik pain.

9 Jan 2023 Diogene

@superheronation, thanks!

I think you are correct, Regenesis could be swapped for Sting!, to push the runner to run. With this in mind, replacing the Regolith Mining License by NGO Front might be better.j

After seeing DeeR playing an AgInf with Dr. Vientiane Keeling, I think replacing either Vampyronassa or Saisentan with Chiyashi or Anansi, which is what you are saying also.

But, there is also Karunā that pairs well with ZATO City Grid and Nanisivik Grid, because it is 2 damages and cost only 4. Some more testing should be done.

Otherwise, in this deck, I do not feel that we have the space for Bladderwort or Reaper Function. But maybe if I was using Jinteki: Personal Evolution.

Another identity that would greatly benefit from ZATO City Grid is Jinteki: Personal Evolution. Running a protected remote would be quite deadly, because you automatically get a damage from stealing any agenda.

Of note, I think there should be more use of Light the Fire! than it is currently. It completely turn off deck like this. And I then can only bounce with AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World ability.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll make some iterations and see where it get me. Thanks for sharing!

9 Jan 2023 superheronation

I think you're well-covered against LTF. They'd be incurring a brain damage on a run which you can redirect somewhere harmless. Your main win condition is Keeling. Brain damage is not their friend.