Holy Hand-Grenade of T4LB07

Mechanoise 1602

A vegan Blue Sun built around the Grail ICE.

I've played this for quite a while now.
The premise is a simple, solid, money generator with the classic Curtain Wall / Oversight AI combo, with ICE that is pretty standard, so let's go over the few little niches of this deck.

Mother Goddess - In a Blue Sun deck Mother Goddess tends to help win many matches, simply because she's an ETR Mythic piece of ICE. As Blue Sun's ability is to pull rezed cards back to HQ it can leave the playing field with just the Mother Goddess Rezed, and without an AI Breaker or Inside Job she protects the server long enough to score the agendas.

Alix T4LB07 - In many deckbuilds Alix is an underwhelming card; here, she can net me an average of 14 credits because she synergises with Blue Sun's ability. As Blue Sun, especially in a Grail deck, you will withdraw ICE all of the time, re-installing it; Alix's power counter generation is a passive ability. [Currently getting a ruling on whether Oversight AI card install counts for Alix]. For a deck space and a 1 credit rez, behind a Curtain Wall she can make you a lot of money, but as the power counters stack the Runner will want to trash her, and may have to pay out a small fortune to do so.

24 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'm not sure Alix T4LB07 works with Oversight AI; Alix specifies that she triggers from card installs, and OAI is a condition counter. Regardless, you are absolutely right about her synergy with Blue Sun, and I don't know why I never thought of this!

24 Jul 2015 Craloaa

Mother Goddess is not a grail ice while in your hand.

24 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

``@FarCryFromHuman` It's an interesting one. Alix simply states it's she gains a counter every time a card is installed. My take on Oversight AI is that it doesn't matter what the card is classed as, but that it is a card and its text states that it gets installed. Maybe one for Lukas, but thankfully it's not a big loss if it wasn't valid. :)

24 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

@Craloaa Thank you for that, I was confident she would but on reflection it makes sense that she doesn't. I've removed that text from my deck description. :) Shame though.

24 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

There's been a few rulings about Oversight AI not being a card while installed. The design decision there, as far as I can intuit, is to prevent effects that pull cards back into your hand or trash them from trashing OAI and leaving the ICE it rezzed face-up and on the board. You'll notice Bioroid Efficiency Research has similar wording, as does Patch. Blue Sun would be pretty absurd if it could drop Curtain Wall with an OAI and then pick up the OAI next turn!

I'd still keep Alix T4LB07 though. She's a cool card that never sees play and I think she has a home here.

24 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

@FarCryFromHuman Regarding Alix's ability, works fine with or without Oversight AI being a valid target, but the question on that validity is whether or not Alix recognises Oversight as a card during the installation phase, and when Oversight is installed it obviously converts to a condition counter.

One for Lukas I think. Until I get an official ruling, I think I'll change the description. :)

24 Jul 2015 Bigguyforyou518

When you say Alix T4LB07 nets you 14 on average, do you mean every game, or only games where the runner doesn't trash her? Because with a 2 cost, she certainly doesn't protect herself (nor can you trash her mid-run like Thomas Haas or Mark Yale). As a runner, if you weren't protecting her with as much ICE as she was actually worth, I'd almost certainly try to take her down.

27 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

@Bigguyforyou518 Most games. Because she's undervalued she rarely gets trashed from R&D, but does so from HQ to thin numbers out. The major difference between her and Thomas Haas is that while Thomas can be trashed at any time he needs clicks and credits invested into him, whereas Alix will just sit there and generate counters naturally.

I tend to place her behind a Curtain Wall, and after 5 or so counters the Runner tends to feel a need to run and trash her, which is great, especially if I've planted a Will-o'-the-Wisp into the server, or it's forced a credit drain on their part - both are highly advantageous to me.

The way to look at Alix T4LB07 is to see her as a spare wheel, she's not an integral part of your deck and losing her is no big deal, but it is a big deal if either A) You spent a click to remove 12+ credits from her, or B) The runner broke the bank to trash her, giving you a hopeful window to start scoring out.

28 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

@Bigguyforyou518I suppose what gets missed about Blue Sun is, in-spite of its capacity to generate credits, it takes a significant tempo hit with clicks being spent to re-install cards. When it comes to building any Blue Sun deck I need cards that have passive abilities, unless their abilities are there to improve tempo, (Jackson Howard). I'd never consider putting Thomas Haas in a Blue Sun deck, even for the sake of bluffing, I just couldn't afford to lose clicks that could be better spent elsewhere.

28 Jul 2015 Bigguyforyou518

I couldn't agree more about the tempo thing, actually the biggest mistake I see less experienced Blue Sun players making is spending too many s picking things up and putting them back down (makes me a little concerned about the Mother Goddess strategy, but I see where you're going with it).

I suppose I was a bit unclear when I mentioned Thomas Haas - I wasn't trying to say he was a better econ asset (in fact, without passive or accelerated advancement token generation like from Mushin No Shin, Thomas Haas isn't an econ asset at all - "using" him is effectively the same thing as clicking for a credit). I was just trying to throw out examples of cards that have activated abilities that can be used right before the runner accesses them - Jackson Howard, Allele Repression, Executive Boot Camp, etc. Being able to cash out on your investment right before the card gets destroyed is pretty huge (same reason that greedily over-advancing a GRNDL Refinery is so risky).

I think most people would agree with you on the need for clickless econ in Blue Sun. For this reason it's popular to run Adonis Campaign and use Blue Sun's ability to keep it going as semi-permanent drip econ. Alix T4LB07 performs a very similar function for similar deckspace. The influence-savings alone make it worth considering, but the novelty definitely pushes it over the finish line. Glad to hear you're having success with it :)

29 Jul 2015 Mechanoise

@Bigguyforyou518 haha, don't worry, I totally understood you :) I watched a Teamwork cast video a few weeks back and saw a Blue Sun player spend most of his time generating money through the Adonis / Root play, and he amassed over 80 credits, which is totally absurd, and he lost. Personally I tend to only pull back ICE when they no longer serve a function, or if I just don't have enough credits to rez a more painful ICE on another server. I would recommend giving Alix T4LB07 a shout in a Blue Sun deck if your deckspace / influence is really tight and you don't have other types of asset-based econ engines, if anything it will give your opponent a bit of a surprise and worry what else you're running :P