This is @Bridgeman's list that banished me to the lower brackets of Euros and German nationals. @Odol also got it to the final of Polish nationals, where he sank my other boat in the first game. While we were shuffling for the decisive game, the venue chose to play Titanic music that also accompanied my dodgy mulliganned hand. It seemed that this pile of cards may crush all my dreams of winning a title in this otherwise awesome season.
An Economic Warfare and HHN in hand left a glimmer of hope that brightened with the arrival of some assets and generally good draws. A second Warfare and later a clutch Above the Law that sniped a freshly installed Net Mercur ultimately turned the tide in my favor.
![Matuszczak on Boat Matuszczak on Boat]()
@Odol lost one game against Esa in Swiss and we runner split the last round, otherwise the deck was undefeated. I swapped Preemptive Action -> Border Control, Mausolus -> Envelopment, Wall to Wall -> Best Defense compared to the original list. I'm absolutely convinced that the first change is correct, stand by the second one and willing to agree that Best Defense is a meta call.
Shout out to @Bridgeman for brewing this monstrosity and being its best pilot and a good sport. All the Unband members thanks for all the quality time spent together, discussing, brewing, testing or just chilling. You guys rock!
Final shout out has to go to the entire Polish Netrunner community. You guys made travelling across the country to lay little pieces of cardboard on poorly lit tables my favorite hobby for over 10 years now. You made this title mean so much to me. Thanks for all the awesome times, I hope to see you soon on a tournament in Warsaw and remember to always be running!
Congratz on the title Mateusz! Well deserved :D Happy to see it was done with this brew as well :D