Trap Queen -- Perhaps the Most Unpleasant Deck Ever

greyfield 3917

I think I found the true DLR deck. This thing is a monster.

DLR decks' biggest problem has always been their monodimensional strategy - drop all your resources, start drilling, and hope you're faster than them. (This is the core of the Hayley build, which goes so far as to add click-boosters like Hyperdriver in order to increase its reach.) The problem with this approach is it has no reach; setting aside trumps like Corporate Town and, soon, All Seeing I, it can't do much to stop the corp from playing their game, which means that it has no way of stopping faster decks like NEH from ignoring the DLR shenanigans and concentrating on winning before the variance kicks in.

On OCTGN, I've seen some versions attempting to correct this by adding basic reach, such as playing Blackmail Valencia DLR, but that seems wrong to me as well. For one, the larger deck is a pretty big deal when you're trying to race; for another, Blackmail only addresses one of the many different ways the corp can screw with the DLR deck's plan, i.e. by winning first, and only loosely for that matter.

What you need is a card that disrupts ALL of the corp's plans simultaneously, by killing their tempo and thus forcing them to play the game at your pace - a game which they're bound to lose. That card is Account Siphon - and the best runner at using Account Siphon is Leela. More to the point, Leela herself creates tempo costs, because the only way to avoid falling prey to her ability (the classic bounce your one HQ ice, Siphon you to death play in particular) is to over-ice everything, overadvance agendas so you have clicks to spare for reinstalling bounced ice, and generally play more cautiously. Those tempo losses translate directly into extra time for you to set up the combo and slam the corp with it, and more security in executing it against things like Jackson Howard.

Playing Criminal also allows us a few extra advantages. For starters, it lets us cut one Paparazzi, which is only really important if you're totally locked out of HQ or they're playing a kill deck. Second, it lets us run Fisk Investment Seminar as our main draw engine. While in most decks Fisk Investment Seminar is much worse than Diesel, since it gives the corp an even greater speed boost, in this deck it speeds up your kill and further hampers the corp's decision-making, since hopefully the tempo damage you're doing is making their hand larger than they'd like, forcing them to choose between pitching agendas or value cards. And third, it gives us Inside Job to break into Archives and vulnerable remotes without having to be Valencia.

The core strategy of the deck is to play passively through the first few turns, setting up your combo and its protective infrastructure and hanging on to your Siphons. If they multi-ice HQ, you want to figure out what all but one of those ice are and get the corresponding breaker or Eater. Then when they score the first agenda, or you manage to pick one up for cheap, bounce the HQ ice, slam down several siphons in a row, and start aggressively drilling the DLR while they struggle to rebuild. If they just play passively, meanwhile, putting several layers of ice everywhere, then just start comboing off and force them to make a move. Either way, the corp is pinned between the threat of imminent death and the threat of losing all tempo, followed quickly by death.

(For those of you who play Magic, I'll put this in terms you understand: this build is akin to classic combo-control decks instead of the pure combo of the Hayley build. Think of Account Siphon as the best Duress ever.)

Some of the card choices are definitely YMMV - for example, you may want more card draw than I've included here instead of the Vamp (which here is akin to a poor man's extra Siphon), or you may want bigger card draw effects like Quality Time instead of the free draw from Diesel. But the resource package I think is tight. I'm of the opinion that Street Peddler is probably a red herring in this deck, since you're not just a combo deck and thus don't want to throw away useful tools like Siphons or breakers in the singleminded pursuit of the combo, but you may disagree.

Also let the record reflect the name of this deck and its cruel nature are no dig on the song "Trap Queen" itself, which is awesome.