
Navelgazer 325

The Weyland Consortium understands the need for speed and efficiency.

We've heard your cries that construction and development and revitalization move too slowly to make a real difference in your communities.

And we've responded to your calls.

Our New Constructions are being set up faster than you can imagine, and our new Renovations in Hollywood are getting everything set up quicker than you can shake a stick at it. Our new commercial districts in Oaktown are bringing in so much revenue that no one could argue about what the Weyland Seal™ does for a neighborhood!

And it's not just that! Our new banks are opening up lending opportunities as much fun as the items our toymakers have on display! Just come on by our latest expo! One credit gets the whole family in for a treat of a weekend funday!

What's that? Little Susan just got caught in the flashbulb glare? Well, she'd be just perfect for our advertising! Do you want to be a star, little Susan?

Welcome to a New World, with the New Weyland™. We're tearing down the slums and replacing them with something as good as our name. Publicly!

2 May 2016 esutter479

IMO, you should consider putting in a Snatch and Grab or two to combat Film Critic...which you WILL see. :) I do like the concept though.

2 May 2016 PureFlight

Love this!

Ways to tag are Data Raven and Casting Call. Tag Punishment is only Scorched Earth. Is that enough to deter the runner? Or are you always putting Ravens on your scoring remote to stack with Casting Call, thereby mandating they end their turn with a tag?

You could try Dedicated Response Team, as both Raven and Casting Call will trigger DRT. And even when Film Critic gets around Casting, Raven's tag can deal the DRT meat damage before they remove the tag next click.

Last thought: are there enough assets to benefit from New Construction? I could see you dropping 2-3 ice for something. ;-)

3 May 2016 Elodius

Like for OCD stamp of approval ! All 3x's (even the 1x to get to 49 is in it's own 'category') and single faction use of influence !

This is perfect ! I love it !