Upfront Turtles v2.0

Snake Eyes 4651

A little late to the party - but here's an NEH deck that I believe is somewhere around the height of Tier 1. Turtlebacks generates a ridiculous amount of money, and it's so much juicier when it hits with Architect.

I recently won a store championship with a previous version of this deck. That deck was made the night beforehand, and was some of the first times I seriously played NEH. I have since tuned it up to make it run even smoother, faster, richer, and cheaper.

Marked Accounts is being bypassed here because it is too slow. Mental Health Clinic is for a clickless and cheaper PAD Campaign, which also boosts up Sweeps Week.

Guard is there as a cheap ETR Sentry, ideal to protect an AstroScript Pilot Program with if you're unable to Fast Advance it.

A single Fast Track to speed up wins if you have an AstroScript Pilot Program scored and a SanSan City Grid rezzed or ready to rez. A single Biotic Labor in case you can't save any SanSan City Grid and you just want to money your way to victory.

26 Mar 2015 moistloaf

I think you should play more than 1 DBS

26 Mar 2015 elliotglendale

I played a deck very similar to this in two Store Championships (4th and 2nd place), and it lost a total of 2 games. However, I skipped Hedge Fund and Sweeps Week all together in favor of all 3 DBS and Marked Accounts. I also used Troll instead of Guard. It's fantastic Siphon protection. You can pour all your credits into the trace, and you'll gain four or five at the start of the next turn from your assets anyway. I also included a single Diversified Portfolio for the occasional credit burst from 1 to 15.

Ultimately, with 3xDBS and 3xJackson, you only need a big stack of credits for the first Astroscript (and maybe a Tollbooth). After that, you can easily survive on 3 or 4 credits per turn from assets as you cycle through cards for the second Astro.

27 Mar 2015 ItJustGotRielle

I agree with the others' comments, and will posit that Guard is a bad choice because no one wants to face check an Architect, and Guard and Architect are the same price so if you can rez Guard, they will assume you can rez Architect, and still drop a killer early. For its cost I see Guard being a weak draw. DBS is better than Jackson in-faction and you're crazy not to run 3.

28 Mar 2015 Snake Eyes

Good suggestions y'all! My old version had 2x Daily Business Shows, I'll try to cram a few more in.

I've never tried Troll Out. I'll give it a shot.

@ItJustGotRielle - OCTGN tonight? ;) Let's have a sexy party.

30 Mar 2015 Twitch_City

Thanks for posting this deck! I had similar inspiration (based upon a draft deck that relied on Turtlebacks), and made a few modifications. Deck helped me get 2nd place in a 23-person tournament!