Hollywood Banking - First Place and Undefeted at GNK

Saan 3111

This deck won me first place, and went undefeated all night.

Hollywood Renovation, Dedication Ceremony, and Project Atlas allow you to get 5 points on the same turn. Titan gets you Atlas Counters, Atlas make finding the combo consistent, and Caprice makes scoring them consistent.

Read all about it: http://stimhack.com/hollywood-banking/

3 Feb 2016 Eji1700

Woot I'm not crazy.

A couple of thoughts from playing my own version :netrunnerdb.com

ToL is disgusting and makes the combo even faster/safer and can help you just score out of hand from stupid situations.

I think 1/2 wormhole is absolutely worth running and maybe even more space ice.

I know wormhole in a rush deck seems silly, but the idea is you just drop it and advance once. Next turn you drop hollywood reno behind it and advance it twice, now it's free. The ONLY major issue i've found is that while you could do this turn 2, it requires them running something else to get it rezzed, however asteroid field might actually not be total trash here, and my more "all round" build seems to often get Orion up, which is just brutal. Hollywood is just nuts with the advance ice suite.

All that said I do think your faster build is likely the way to go. Have you considered paywall implementation? I often found myself leaving R&D openish (low density build) and figured it'd be best to make money off it, and it stops their currents if it's an issue. I've also found decent success with subliminal as it's pretty easy with the mass ETR to force the runner to sit back and dig.

Anyways congrats on the win, love the build.

3 Feb 2016 Glitch

The idea here is cool, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work the way you want it to. The Renovation Agendas need to actually be advanced for the abilities to trigger, and Dedication Ceremony doesn't advance cards, it places advancement tokens onto cards, which is different. Also, you can't score Agendas on the same turn you use Dedication Ceremony, so you can't score 5 points on the same turn.

Please correct me if I misunderstood the combo here.

3 Feb 2016 Simone Suka

You need 2 turns, actually. You install Hollywood, use dedication, advance 1. Keep it save for 1 turn and then install atlas and double advance Hollywood while put 3 advancement tokens on atlas

3 Feb 2016 Glitch

Ah gotcha, makes sense now.

3 Feb 2016 mawa

So in the article you mentioned trouble with money and etr sentries. How about Oversight AI on Archer? Obviously there's no Blue Sun: Powering the Future shenanigans, but you don't need an agenda scored and Archer can't be D4v1d'd and once they've found something that can break it they're probably set up for a long time anyway. That would save the Chimera slot for a better piece of ice, and it's another thing you can interns if they do hit it.

Paywall Implementation also sounds like a good choice for money, particularly because the runner wants to R&D lock you out when you get to 5 points. It's a bit like Pop-up Window in traditional NEH FA. Speaking of which, Pop-up Window.

3 Feb 2016 Draecas

@Glitch the article goes into it, it's a 2 turn combo but you score 5 points all on the second.

3 Feb 2016 Simone Suka

In Italy we're trying this in gagarin and it's working very well.

3 Feb 2016 mostlysmart

@Saan this is actually pretty disgusting if you land it.

3 Feb 2016 Disturbed1

I like the deck and was playing around with a couple of the suggestions you made in the article for possible changes. What I did:

-2 Green Level Clearance -1 Meru Mati -1 Ice Wall -1 Interns -1 Hostile Takeover -1 The Future is Now +2 Wraparound +1 Oaktown Renovations +2 Elizabeth Mills +2 Will-o'-the-Wisp

Oaktown for more money w/o bad pub, Wraparound for the improved AI matchup. Mills pulls double duty here. She helps cover the bad pub so those cards can be played with less of a problem, and if need be, she could be used to sack Wyldside, to slow down Noise/Faust. WilloWisp to make sure they don't get in more than once with that same breaker.


3 Feb 2016 Deepfreeze

One thing I'm thinking about is dropping one Caprice and the GLCs and adding a Red Herring (soft replacement for Caprice with added bonus that you can use both in same run) and TWO Data Ravens.

Nobody wants to float tags vs. Weyland even if you don't include Scorched Earth they have to assume that you did. Data Raven just really slows the runner down A LOT for 2 influence and 4 credits it's hard to tax a runner more.

With Anarchs running wildcakes they cannot float the tags period. With everyone else it will slow them down and make them at least dig for plascrete for a few turns.

4 Feb 2016 Saan

@Disturbed1 I actually don't mind the bad pub, and Lizzy just slows things down. Caprice should be a good enough answer to Noise and Faust, and the deck goes fast enough it's usually Noise who needs to catch up with me, not the other way around. Will-'o is an interesting idea for central servers vs something like Appoc MaxX, actually. It's expensive, so I think I'd probably change the Green Level into Targeted Marketing, in that case, and just leave the ICE as is. I might try that out some.

@Deepfreeze Red Herring sucks, and the runners are rich enough to probably have the cash to just take the agenda anyhow. Especially if your remote doesn't have an Archer in front of it yet. As for the Data Ravens, they're great up to the point that either the runner decides they don't care about tags or you play the same person more than one time in your life. Either have a flatline threat or don't; going half way doesn't get much done.

4 Feb 2016 mawa

Also, the moment they see a caprice they have to assume you don't have the kill for influence reasons.

4 Feb 2016 MightyToenail

This looks like it could be really good. I've been waiting for someone to figure out some strong Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future decks.

4 Feb 2016 Exo

Great deck and ideas man! I am going to try your list and slowly introduce some of my favorites cards in Weyand to try out the result. GRNDL refinery, Cyberdex Virus Suite and Wormhole are some of those cards.

4 Feb 2016 Deepfreeze

What do you think of two caprices and two Markus Battys. That's another option I was thinking about?

4 Feb 2016 Saan

@Deepfreeze It's not terrible, but it's hard to find good econ to fill the econ slots with since Green Level leaves. Batty also isn't great unless you have Archer or Grim on the server, since ending the run once isn't great if the runner can just get back in. It's also a little weak to Clone Chip if you're using him to trash programs, but that's primarily just found in Shaper these days. It's probably worth testing, though.

5 Feb 2016 Phoenix

As your intention is to rush, and a lot of your ice is gear check ice, would Medical Research Fundraiser not be an acceptable alternative to Green Level Clearance? It solves a lot of economy issues, helps Siphon recovery and helps you get up to Restructure level a lot faster. It could work similarly to you not caring about Bad Publicity.

5 Feb 2016 palpster

@RubbishyUsername it's Weyland, why would he need influence for the kill?

I do agree that Data Raven isn't good here for the reason @Saan mentions

7 Feb 2016 Kopiok

Consider dropping a Caprice and the GLC for a couple of Trick of Light. Not sure how loosing the Caprice will hit consistency, but it would allow you to score the Hollywood Renovation without having the Atlas in hand, store the advancements on an ICE, and then fast-advance it later with the ToL. Bonus points if you get to rez a space ice for free off of that. :D

7 Feb 2016 Exo

@Kopiok Don't forget that ToL doesn't trigger the ability of Hollywood Renovation. This will not make the combo easier to trigger in any means, you would gain alternative ways of winning though.

23 Feb 2016 TheAntsAreBack

@Saan, I love the combo but can you clear up some slight confusion on my part? You mention that it's important to get out an Atlas with two tokens on it. Is that simply so that should you draw any one combo card, it's then possible to pick out the other two required cards with tokens? I.e. Do you mean that two tokens out first is the best way to accelerate the rush? Or is there something important I'm missing? Cheers.

24 Feb 2016 TheAntsAreBack

Played this last night and it suffered horribly in two different ways. First game the ice crumbled horribly to Faust leaving me Keyhole'd to death. During the second game I managed to get some better protection up but never rezzed it all game as I was Blackmail'd over and over, never being allowed to even rez. Ah well, all good fun though.

30 Mar 2016 jgoahl

How does this deal with Leela? Seems like she breaks the combo all by herself.

30 Mar 2016 jgoahl

And this is likely going to be wrecked once Councilman comes out right?