Burnt Toast

phette23 2279

Here's a foolish deck idea.

The Foodcoats are everywhere. What's the only thing Foodcoats don't do? Kill you. Here's a Foodcoats deck that flatlines runners, spending the 10 influence usually reserved for 2x Caprice & a Tollbooth (or 2x Crisium, etc.) on the SEA Source-Scorched combo.

I took it to a very small (9 people) GNK yesterday & ended up first; this list went 3-1 with two flatlines. That's not to say it's great, but that it can win. The loss was to The Book of Kate. I don't remember exactly what went wrong there except I was a bit flooded & never saw my kill cards.

Both flatlines were SEA Source into the first Scorched, Vitruvius counter for a second Scorched. Vitruvius is great in this deck, also all other decks. The IA is often misread as an NAPD which can deter runs.

The play style isn't too hard to figure out; ICE up everything, make mad money from campaigns, find scoring windows. You can feed an agenda straight to the runner to bait a successful run; forcing them to pay off an Ash trace to steal is great here. Until all their Plascretes have been discarded, you'll want to protect the kill cards simply for information's sake. On the plus side, you'll almost certainly know when people hit a Scorched off R&D because they'll react to it.

Card Choices

The basic shell of HB glacier with Global Food isn't tweaked too much here. The campaigns, Ash, & Breaker Bay Grid help you establish a money lead. With a few open slots, I opted for Restructure & Archived Memories. Restructure was great & easy to play, AM never did work & was discarded a couple times. My thought was if the runner went tag-me I could use it to recur Scorched Earth but that didn't happen, I'd drop it probably for another Restructure or Peak Efficiency.

The ICE is adjusted a bit to facilitate the flatline. Landing a single brain damage can make a 1x Scorched kill much more viable, so I went for the near-forgotten Viktor 1.0, which was great on the day as a light tax.

For sentries, I really wanted to fit in Ichi 2.0 with the thought that runners might double-click the trashes, give me a free tag & brain damage with no click to clear it, cementing their own demise. But Assassin also seems good for a similar reason; if the 3 net lands, that might push a runner's grip down into 1x Scorched range. Neither of those scenarios occurred but the idea is still appealing. I worry about too many 5-strength ICE & I did see an Atman@5 do good work, but it helps that Turing can't be broken by it.