Tag the Trunder

helianthus_paradoxum 35

Originaly I've built this deck with two ideas in mind. First, to make an aggressive anarch Runner. Second, to keep the Corp poor and exploit their economic weakness.

Since then I've played the initial deck for a couple of months, and it slowly evolved to the point where I can't find a change which would make it play better and still keep the deck true to it's spirit. Seems like the time to publish it.

Breaker suite: Atman takes care of Lotus Field and other headaches. I almost always set it to 4 power counters. D4v1d deals with greater threats, Darwin - with lesser ones. Mimic is necessary against Architect and Jinteki ice.

Quetzal: Free Spirit's ability combined with Knifed clears a blocked server for some multiple access turns. Parasites and Datasucker counters are usually saved for sentry and codegate ice.

Corp's economy is distrupted directly by Lamprey and Imps (trashing their economy assets and operations on sight is essential). Lots of ice destruction means that they need to spend clicks drawing for ice and credits paying for new and new defences.

Early this deck concentrates on HQ and R&D, trying to punish the least protected server (Lamprey for HQ, Medium for R&D, both can be found with a Djinn or returned from the heap with Déjà Vu).

As the game unfolds, the long term plan develops. Economical pressure puts the Corp in a tight spot, when, at last, you take a tag with John Masanori or Joshua B. and fire away with Data Leak Reversals under some Fall Guy cover. This usually gets me 3-4 last agenda points needed to win. Or I get them from R&D and HQ, while the Corp spends clicks and credits to shake off the resource threat.

Main concern is the deck's economy. It's not as bad as it looks, cause this build can operate on a pretty low budget by being aggressive and flexible each turn. But I certainly wish I coul find something to cut for a Queen's Gambit or two. And starting with Desperado is essential. If I don't have it in the opening hand, I use Inject and I've Had Worse without hesitation to find the console as fast as possible.