Supermodernism - GRNDL

echo/ 836

1 Nov 2014 thebriarfox

Why posted bounty and 2x cleaners? Are you planning on a heavier scorch threat?

17 Nov 2014 echo/

2x Cleaners: there weren't any other 5/3s at the time that I valued but I wanted to run 2 5/3s, it's possible that this is incorrect but it's worked for me so far. More recent versions of this deck have 1x Cleaners and 1x Hades Shard.

Posted bounty was added after I realised the flexibility gained by playing Fast Track. In both testing and tournament situations I've managed to win games by setting up an early scoring remote and fast tracking out posted bounty -> double scorched earth.

It's not always a strategy you can execute but when the opportunity comes up it's incredibly powerful and completely swings the aggression of the game in your favour.