[ETERNAL] Cards belong in the bin - Frantic Whizz

OF15-15 324


  1. Throw your deck into the bin

  2. Gain value out of Steelskin and Strike Fund

  3. ???

  4. Win

This went 2-1 and both wins were just one or two Amped Hot into keyholing my opponents into oblivion. The deck should probably have some more recursion, the one game I lost was in part due to trashing all three labors.

Trashing all your cards is fun and Frantic Coding is a cool card. Thanks a lot to @Ysengrin for running this and to my opponents to play eternal with me :D

10 Sep 2023 OF15-15

Oops, should probably be 'Frantic MaxX'. It was a Whizzard: Master Gamer list before, forgot to change the name