The SYNCing Man's NBN (v. 0.1 WIP)

LeinadColtrane 21

Core Idea: passive tag-punishment for greater scoring efficiency (with Global Food Initiative only 15 agenda points in the deck for the runner, Market Research can be 3 points for the corp, Quantum Predictive Model are difficult to steal if behind a Data Raven, News Team is either tags or negative points.

I built the deck in SYNC for two reasons - tags are more taxing, and smaller deck size means less points. I honestly don't see myself flipping the ID much.

Areas that need work: ICE is pretty porous at the moment, Pop-up Window is good econ, but would probably be the first to go. There is enough influence to make the Wraparounds Eli 1.0s. Influence isn't being used too well. I'm considering Crisium Grid or Sealed Vault to protect against Vamp or Account Syphon. I'm not sure how I feel about the pure burst econ.