Origami Theory 101

WardOfTheWoods 711

Ever since I saw Sage, I knew I wanted to build a deck around it. I thought about using Kit with Sage, but she doesn't exactly have the influence that CT does. With both Leprechauns out, hosting most of the Origami or MOpus and Sage, you should have no trouble with code gates or barriers (unless they Troubleshooter an ICE, that is). A definite Con for the deck is blowing 2 credits on every subroutine broken by Sage, which hurts.

18 Dec 2014 Nick Cannon

you're awesome for using pipeline.

18 Dec 2014 WardOfTheWoods

Well, when you use all of the influence in the deck on Ekomind and Origami, it kinda leaves little choice haha. Pipeline isn't too bad though, especially since the highest it usually needs to go to is 4 strength. Might replace it with Creeper in the near future though.