Let's Play Eclipse! - Return of the Demon

Cobalt 469

Welcome to the Let's Play Eclipse! series - a collection of decks for those interested in playing the Eclipse format but who are perhaps a little unsure about the expanded card pool, or just don't know where to start. Feel free to play them directly* or modify them to come up with your own designs!

*Cobalt Corp. accepts no responsibility for the performance, or lack thereof, of any listed deck.

The dreaded one stirs in her slumber, awoken by legality once more. Those young whippersnappers don't know what a classic toolbox deck looks like!

Use your solid foundation of Prepaid VoicePAD and Lucky Find to fuel your economy while gradually building up your board. When the Corp dares to act, Test Run whatever solves the problem and then Scavenge it if you want to keep it around. With Cup, Imp and Clot, throw a wrench in the Corp's plans!

Muse isn't quite as straightforwardly powerful as Self-modifying Code, but it does a reasonable impression. Use it to tutor Clot off a Clone Chip to stop a fast-advance score and then Scavenge it down later to recycle whatever you want to use next. If you really want to get spicy, you could pivot this deck into a Coalescence / Aesop’s Pawnshop strategy...

This is Shaper at its Shaperest; raw efficiency, a deep toolbox of answers, and a healthy supply of nonsense. Prove you can do it, because you can!

Based on / inspired by: pillowdemon's Demon Kate 2.0

Restricted card: Clone Chip

Mulligan for: Prepaid VoicePAD, Professional Contacts, LilyPAD