Startup Scrubbing Peddler

Diogene 4504

[STARTUP DECK] Using Euler to break anything for super cheap and enjoying making use of those Scrubber to wipe out the corp.


33% of the deck is about keeping you rich. 33% of the deck is about supporting Euler. And 33% of the deck is about making runs impactful.

Mulligan plan : Get Professional Contacts. If it is not in your hand, mulligan in the hope of getting it. Getting it before turn 4 makes the game much easier.

You got the full trio : The Maker's Eye for R&D, Jailbreak for HQ and Tread Lightly for significant remotes.

Scrubber will get you a lot of value. There are always assets and upgrades to trash. Having recurring credits for those will keep you rich for runs.

Use Rejig and Simulchip to recharge Pelangi or to "recharge" Euler.

Aniccam will let you get additional tempo, since nearly half your deck are events.

Pretty resilient runners, always fun. Cheers!