Step 3.0: PROFIT

Grimwalker 639

Core Concepts: All the breakers are "remainder of the run" for Strength pump so they can be boosted in step 2.3 before you lose credits in step 3.0. The Helpful AI for link, an additional STR pump, and Aesop food.

Spend money on Personal Workshop in Step 2.3 to avoid step 3.0 wastage.

Cloak and Cyberfeeder for credits you can't lose.

3x Inti for early game Barriers, feed to Aesop once you're ready to upgrade to Battering Ram. Inti can get through anything up to Wall of Static well enough.

Armitage, Personal Workshop, feed to Aesop.

Infiltration to find the payday Ice and and Emergency Shutdown/Crescentus to reset it for another payout.

Easy Mark, Armitage, and Infiltration for gaining money when you're low on credits; I expect this will happen a lot as I'll be spending my Ice-rez credits on subroutine breaking, leaving me with pocket change after a run.

10 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

(Need to go through the Ice in the game to actually see which cards' native rez cost will pay for its subroutines to be broken and HOLY JEEBUS how cool would Xanadu and Rook be with this guy? Must keep working.)

10 Feb 2014 Alsciende

I'd play Inside Job instead of Emergency Shutdown. So good late game when the Corp tries to reset your credit pool.

Pipeline is your weak spot. One Archer and you're dead. I'd play Dagger instead, or at least in addition.

10 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

Helpful AI, definitely something I wasn't keeping in mind when I went through this. I like it. I wonder if you could get into underworld contacts with this guy....

10 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

I expect to have my credit pool frequently reset--every run if I can help it.

Archer would cost Pipeline 10 to break in this deck, so yeah, that's a problem. But look at it this way: what other Sentry breaker can Nasir install that DOESN'T just get smoked by an Archer? With any other killer, you're just going into the encounter with 0 STR and $4 to work with. Dagger would need two Cloaks. Sharpshooter can do it, so I may have to go that route. This makes me wonder if some other option for Nasir hasn't been spoiled yet.

Underworld Contacts would be a good suggestion, but I'd need some mem chips for reliable link. Although if I have to sacrifice my HAI, I can always sell Bob From Accounting to Aesop and try not to think about the unfortunate implications.

10 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

TL;DR--sentries always suck, and all sentry breakers have some hideous drawback. Archer is the worst.

10 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

Hmm...maybe Dinosaurus would be better than Toolbox. +2 Str is more efficient than +$2 for both Inti and Pipeline, and would be a great savings for both.

10 Feb 2014 Ravarix

I feel like Compromised Employee would be great for this deck. Gives you extra credits to pump breakers before step 3.0, plus makes you laugh at traces even more. Kinda fulfills the same role as helpful AI, so that might be a replacement.

11 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

Direct strength pumps are more efficient for the "Inertia" breakers because Pipeline and Inti are 2-for-1. If I'd swap them in for anything, I'd pull the Cyberfeeders and free up influence.

11 Feb 2014 DubiousYak

Man if you could get money for a Femme, you put that on Dino and that works wonders. But I'm guessing with this deck you pretty rarely expect to have 9 credits at once. I wonder how well Ice Analyzer would work with Nasir?

12 Feb 2014 Grimwalker

I playtested an updated version of the deck and it's already wackier than I expected. Click 1: play Professional Contacts Click 2: Facecheck R&D.

I may be on the wrong track--rather than "Inertia" breakers, you may want to run with a rig with high "native" strength, backed up by recurring credits and STR boosts, run with low credits and put the corp in the position of either giving you money or letting you in.

Either way, it's a very different headspace to be in, looking at Ice not as obstacles but potential income sources.